Browsing: Mission


Leading Ideas Outdoor view of Emory Fellowship Church and the Residences at Beacon Center, affordable housing built on church property

Richard Reinhard shares how some congregations are using their property to develop affordable housing and meet other community needs, as well as local initiatives to…

Leading Ideas Person holding up a post-it note that reads SIMPLICITY

What if you focused on making already-planned ministry events better rather than creating new events? Olu Brown offers three planning strategies for Doing Church Differently™…

Episode 39: “Pastor as Community Activist” featuring Heber Brown, III

How can pastors be on the frontlines of community activism while also being faithful to their call? In this episode we speak with Heber Brown, III, pastor of Pleasant Hope Baptist Church and founder of the Black Church Food Security Network, about his work for racial justice in Baltimore and beyond.

Mike McCurry and Sarah Sanders screen capture from C-SPAN

How can people of faith bring their values to work in government and the public square? Listen as Ann Michel speaks with Mike McCurry, former White House Press Secretary and Director of Wesley Theological Seminary’s Center for Public Theology.

Leading Ideas Photo collage of a worship service beneath an interstate bridge

Bishop Robert Schnase tells the story of a Texas congregation sharing worship with its homeless neighbors in relational and empowering ways. This powerful example of…

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