Browsing: Biblical Leadership


Leading Ideas

Building a congregation’s life around a clear vision and purpose is easy to affirm. Aligning that purpose with biblical teaching and witness makes sense. Seldom…

Leading Ideas

One of the most fundamental elements of any successful organization is leadership. However, it is also one of the most misunderstood qualities as it relates…

Leading Ideas Stock photo of a discount big-box store's snack aisle

I was intrigued recently to read of conversations going in the Church of England. Stephen Cottrell, the Bishop of Reading, received considerable media attention when he…

Leading Ideas

A leader’s continual presence among followers is integral to transformational leadership. It creates teachable moments, fosters relationship, and allows for targeted and personalized interactions. Transformational…

Leading Ideas

Ann Michel reviews Efrain Agosto’s book which suggests Christian leadership involves core New Testament values — service, humility, love, justice, suffering and sacrifice. Efrain Agosto’s…
