
Photo of Karoline Lewis

Karoline M. Lewis is the Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN. Lewis is the Program Director of the Festival of Homiletics and Chair of the Homiletics and Biblical Studies Section of the Society of Biblical Literature and the author several books including A Lay Preacher’s Guide: How to Craft a Faithful Sermon and John: Fortress Biblical Preaching Commentaries. Her most recent book is Preaching the Word (Westminster John Knox Press, 2023), available on Cokesbury and Amazon. Visit for resources on preaching, leadership, and being a woman in ministry.

Leading Ideas Silhouette of a woman striking a balanced yoga pose on a beach

Karoline Lewis writes that the notion that one can keep all the important aspects of life in perfect balance is an unattainable myth. It can…