Text-only Version of Leading Ideas 2024




October 23, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

9 Questions to Ask if Your Church Giving is in Decline
Stewardship expert Joe Park says churches can promote more generous giving by better communicating the impact of their ministry, encouraging recurring electronic gifts, and challenging people to grow in generosity as part of their discipleship. He shares nine questions to help your church assess whether your giving strategy meets the mark. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 157
Faithfully Engage Public Policy
How can Christians faithfully engage public policy? We speak with Miranda Zapor Cruz, professor of historical theology at Indiana Wesleyan University and author of Faithful Politics: 10 Approaches to Christian Citizenship and Why It Matters. She shares with us how Christians can engage public policy in faithful, yet nonpartisan ways. Watch now, listen to the audio version, and read transcript.

10 Tips for Hosting a Live Nativity
A live Nativity can be an engaging, heart-warming event not only for church members but for the entire community as well. One Houston-area church has decades of experience bringing the Christmas story to life in this way. Lindsay Peyton shares their organizational and planning tips. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Robert I. Sutton and Huggy Rao report on a hospital system troubled by too much time spent on updating records by clinical staff and too little time on examining and treating patients. To address the problem, the hospital launched the “Getting Rid of Stupid Stuff” program. Just one of 87 improvements that were made saved 1,700 nursing hours a month across four hospitals. The question they used with all nurse assistants, nurses, and doctors was: What is anything that is poorly designed, unnecessary, or just plain stupid?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Lord, Teach Us to Pray
Links will be updated as soon as the course is live on WPfM.
Learn and experience new ways to pray.
This six unit course is intended for laity who do not currently have a prayer practice or who desire to go deeper in their relationship with God through prayer (clergy are also welcome). Lord, Teach Us to Pray is experiential, inviting students to practice different forms of prayer and to discover what approaches work for them. Students will be exposed to a wide variety of practices, including ones from the African American tradition, Lectio Divina (praying using scripture), Christian mindfulness, and more. Guest videos provide exposure to different practitioners. Introductory price: $25 $5 through December 31, 2024. Learn more and register now.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Encourage Faithful Giving
Helping people experience the joy of giving is more than a way of funding the church’s ministry. These 50 ways of encouraging faithful giving will help your church members grow in discipleship through faithful stewardship and extravagant generosity. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Free in-person workshop in Washington, DC
Conflict Intervention Workshop for Pastors
Attend a free in-person, interactive one-day workshop on constructive conflict intervention designed for pastors. You will be introduced to conflict styles, components of conflict, active listening, conflict analysis, and dialog facilitation.

Friday, October 25, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | In person at Wesley Theological Seminary | 4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016

The workshop is free, but lunch is $10. If you have any dietary restrictions, please register before the end of Monday, October 21. The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Learn more and register now.

“Quotable” Leadership
“We abdicated our moral responsibility to read [biblical] texts in ways that bless rather than harm human beings.” — David P. Gushee

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



October 16, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Why Congregations Sometimes Change
Systems resist change because their core function is to ensure people repeat established behaviors. However, systems can change when they believe it’s essential for survival or maintaining core values. Dan Reiland writes that church leaders can facilitate this by understanding the system’s resistance, valuing consistent efforts, and introducing change at the right moment. Read more now.

Part-time Pastors and Gift-filled Congregations
Lovett H. Weems Jr. describes the growth of part-time pastoral leadership, particularly in older and established traditions where part-time ministry has not been considered the norm. He outlines five ways that churches with part-time pastors can flourish by embracing a shared ministry model that focuses on the congregation’s unique gifts and callings. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
In his book How to Know a Person, columnist David Brooks says that when people argue, they restate their views until one convinces the other. He offers a more effective approach in which one asks: Why, at heart, do we disagree? What is the values disagreement underneath our practical disagreement?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Free in-person workshop in Washington, DC
Conflict Intervention Workshop for Pastors
Attend a free in-person, interactive one-day workshop on constructive conflict intervention designed for pastors. You will be introduced to conflict styles, components of conflict, active listening, conflict analysis, and dialog facilitation.

Friday, October 25, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | In person at Wesley Theological Seminary | 4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016

The workshop is free, but lunch is $10. If you have any dietary restrictions, please register before the end of Monday, October 21. The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Learn more and register now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Increase Worship Attendance
Worship attendance is vital to the mission of the church. Our free “50 Ways” tip sheet provides practical strategies to help you invite new people to attend worship; improve the attendance of current members; make your church visible and attractive; welcome worship guests warmly; and make worship accessible to newcomers. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

In-depth interview with Cathy Bien
Engage Polarization with Kindness
How can church leaders address polarization? Jessica Anschutz of the Lewis Center staff interviews Cathy Bien about the Campaign for Kindness and how church leaders can lead out of their faith to engage polarization in their communities with kindness. Read more now.. Read more now.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Track your church’s giving and expenses better
Save now on the Reimagined Congregational Giving Profile Video Tool Kit
The Congregational Giving Profile (CGP) is a better way to track giving and expenses than the traditional way used by nine out of 10 churches.
Nearly every aspect of the church is touched by its financial resources. So it’s vital to track giving and expenses accurately. The method of simply dividing the annual budget by 12 months to determine if you are on track financially seems completely logical except for one fact — churches do not receive money equally each month throughout the year, nor do they spend the same every month. If your congregation gives most generously at the end of the year, this method of monitoring finances will report that you are running behind most of the year, even though you may really be on track in relation to your own pattern.

The Congregational Giving Profile is a tool that helps you better track your congregation’s giving and spending patterns to more accurately predict financial surpluses and shortfalls.

Reimagined for 2024!
CGP now tracks giving and expenses; includes more intuitive templates; features refreshed videos and graphics; and more.
On sale for $39 $29 through November 30.
Learn more and order now.

“Quotable” Leadership
“While it is true that without a vision the people perish, it is doubly true that without action the people and their vision perish as well.” — Johnnetta B. Cole

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



October 9, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Church Finances Don’t Have to be So Hard
Many churches struggle with finances due to a lack of financial understanding rather than insufficient funds. Effective financial tools and knowledge are crucial. Thomas James shares how to learn about your church’s financial culture using the Lewis Center’s updated Congregational Giving Profile (CGP) that tracks income, expenses, and trends, aiding churches in making informed decisions and improving financial management. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 156
Community Partnerships: Moving from a Mindset of Scarcity to Abundance
How can congregations cultivate fruitful partnerships with nonprofits that promote human flourishing and abundance? We talk with Mahogany Thomas, chief program officer of Bread for the City, about building partnerships to meet the needs in your community. Watch now, listen to the audio version, and read transcript.

Is It Time to Right-Size Your Staff?
This might be the time to have a conversation about right-sizing your staff, says Jim Kitchens. He outlines different ways to approach the task depending on the urgency of the situation. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Leaders are good at coming up with new ideas for their organizations, but not all proposals fit. Some questions that help leaders test out their ideas are: Are the desired outcome and benefit clear? What insights or clues from the people of the organization motivated this idea? Can the concept be framed in a way people will find compelling? Are we capable of achieving the desired outcome proposed?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Track your church’s giving and expenses better
Save now on the Reimagined Congregational Giving Profile Video Tool Kit

The Congregational Giving Profile (CGP) is a better way to track giving and expenses than the traditional way used by nine out of 10 churches.
Nearly every aspect of the church is touched by its financial resources. So it’s vital to track giving and expenses accurately. The method of simply dividing the annual budget by 12 months to determine if you are on track financially seems completely logical except for one fact — churches do not receive money equally each month throughout the year, nor do they spend the same every month. If your congregation gives most generously at the end of the year, this method of monitoring finances will report that you are running behind most of the year, even though you may really be on track in relation to your own pattern.

The Congregational Giving Profile is a tool that helps you better track your congregation’s giving and spending patters to more accurately predict financial surpluses and shortfalls.

Reimagined for 2024!
CGP now tracks giving and expenses; includes more intuitive templates; features refreshed videos and graphics; and more.
On sale for $39 $29 through November 30.
Learn more and order now.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Children
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” The church should demonstrate its love for children and its desire to connect with younger families through effective ministry for and with children. Learn how with strategies and tips from 50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Children. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Free in-person workshop in Washington, DC
Conflict Intervention Workshop for Pastors
Attend a free in-person, interactive one-day workshop on constructive conflict intervention designed for pastors. You will be introduced to conflict styles, components of conflict, active listening, conflict analysis, and dialog facilitation.

Thursday, October 25, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | In person at Wesley Theological Seminary | 4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016

The workshop is free, but lunch is $10. If you have any dietary restrictions, please register before the end of Monday, April 2. The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Learn more and register now.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Christians’ trust in God may be mingled or confused with some culturally formed assumptions, ideals, and values. Inevitably it will. The danger is that our culturally defined loves, allegiances, and understandings will overwhelm and take precedence over our faithfulness to God.” — George M. Marsden

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



October 2, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Can Your Approach to Church Finances be both Spiritual and Practical?
Some in the church operate on the assumption that a spiritual perspective on money requires the abandonment of practical thinking. But stewardship expert Ann Michel says a sound theology of stewardship reveals that a spiritual perspective regarding money and finances is practical, and a practical perspective can also be spiritual. Read more now.

Prophetic Preaching and Leadership
C. Anthony Hunt says a preacher’s call to speak on issues of social and political concern is rooted in biblical tradition. He shares specific strategies Jesus used to highlight injustice, empower change, and transform people and communities. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
In times of participation declines and financial stresses, these questions may help: What leaders in organizations other than churches are facing similar challenges? How have they addressed their challenges, and what might we learn from them?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Online cohort-based course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Strategic Planning and Visioning
This course guides participants in developing the skills necessary for leading a congregation through change and innovation. It focuses on discerning and developing an appropriate plan and vision for a congregation; gathering, analyzing, and making use of important data related to a congregation and its community context; and developing a wholistic plan for directing and leading a church towards a more faithful life together.

The first class is October 12, 2024. Completion of this course will count toward the Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program if requested. Learn more and enroll now.

Free webinar — Register now
Assessing Your Church’s Staffing Pattern
What does research reveal about typical church staffing patterns and expenditures? And how can you know if your staffing level is right?
Tuesday, October 8, Noon-1 p.m. Eastern
Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Dr. Ann A. Michel from the Lewis Center share data and perspectives that can help you think strategically about how your staffing pattern relates to your budget and your mission imperatives. Learn more and register now.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

In-depth interview with Terry Bradfield
Remembering 9/11: Leadership During a Disaster
How can we lead in times of disaster? As we remember 9/11, Terry Bradfield, a retired Army chaplain who was assigned to the Pentagon on that fateful day, joins Lewis Center Director Doug Powe for a conversation about leading faithfully during a disaster. He reminds church leaders to check their doctrine at the door, focus on the sacredness of humanity, and bring a connection to the divine. Read more now.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

NEW video short
5 Ways to Multiply Your Church’s Capacity for Leadership
Does your church have all the leaders it needs? If not, check out five ways to identify and support new leaders and build and maintain effective ministry teams. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.

“Quotable” Leadership
“It is not our job to work miracles, but it is our task to try.” — Joan D. Chittister

Free in-person workshop in Washington, DC
Conflict Intervention Workshop for Pastors
Attend a free in-person, interactive one-day workshop on constructive conflict intervention designed for pastors. You will be introduced to conflict styles, components of conflict, active listening, conflict analysis, and dialog facilitation.

Thursday, October 25, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | In person at Wesley Theological Seminary | 4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016

The workshop is free, but lunch is $10. If you have any dietary restrictions, please register before the end of Monday, April 2. The workshop is limited to 25 participants. Learn more and register now.

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



September 25, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Is There an Ideal Age for Clergy?
Lovett H. Weems Jr. looks at shifting age patterns among United Methodist clergy through the lens of history and newly available clergy age data for 2024. Recognizing that clergy of different ages bring different gifts and perspectives, he maintains that congregations and the denomination benefit from having a pool of clergy broad in its age distribution and representative of the general population. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 155
Engage Polarization with Kindness
How can church leaders address polarization? We speak with Cathy Bien about the Campaign for Kindness and how church leaders can lead out of their faith to engage polarization in their communities with kindness. Watch now, listen to the audio version, and read transcript.

Does an Aging Population Explain High Clergy Ages?
For most traditions, the disproportionate aging of clergy is a crucial challenge. Lovett H. Weems Jr. highlights some of the findings in the National Congregations Study (NCS) and names some of the challenges facing denominations today. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
In some congregations, leaders and long-time members tend to assume that new and potential members already know more details about their congregations than they actually do. What is common knowledge among insiders may be mysteries for others. Questions that always should be on our minds are: What information about our church do we forget that others do not magically already know? How do we effectively share what we know?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Free webinar — Register now
Assessing Your Church’s Staffing Pattern
What does research reveal about typical church staffing patterns and expenditures? And how can you know if your staffing level is right?

Tuesday, October 8, Noon-1 p.m. Eastern

Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Dr. Ann A. Michel from the Lewis Center share data and perspectives that can help you think strategically about how your staffing pattern relates to your budget and your mission imperatives. Learn more and register now.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

NEW video short
5 Ways to Multiply Your Church’s Capacity for Leadership
Does your church have all the leaders it needs? If not, check out five ways to identify and support new leaders and build and maintain effective ministry teams. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

“Quotable” Leadership
“After much bitter experience brought on by myself, I have learned that radicals get into trouble not so much by reason of what they say, if they tell the truth, as by the spirit in which they say it.” — Ernest Fremont Tittle

Lewis Center video tool kit resources
Save Now on All Funding and Stewardship Video Tool Kit Resources
Save $10 on all funding and stewardship video tool kits through September 30.
Funding Your Congregation’s Vision (Stewardship) Series video tool kits provide strategies and best practices to help you fund your congregation’s ministry better. All resources are appropriate for self study and for use with groups in your church.

Titles include: Optimizing Annual Financial Campaigns; Building and Funding Your Capital Budget; Theology of Stewardship and Biblical Generosity; Developing Your Operating Budget; and Protect, Sustain, Grow: Best Practices for Handling Your Church’s Money.

Learn more and order now.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



September 18, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Reading Between the Lines: Navigating Church Politics with Insight and Wisdom
Effective church leadership involves navigating the politics of ministry beyond practical skills. Doug Powe and Jessica Anschutz emphasize that leaders must learn to read between the lines, listen carefully to what is said and unsaid, observe body language and emotions, understand relationships, and identify power players. Mastering these skills helps leaders handle complex church dynamics successfully. Read more now.

4 Characteristics of Citizens of the Kingdom of God Who Inhabit the Political World
Christian faithfulness can inspire various political approaches, but they must reflect our primary identity as citizens of the Kingdom of God. Miranda Zapor Cruz finds Kingdom citizens are most faithful when they are salty, prophetic, separationist, and pluralist. She maintains that faithful Christians engage the political realm with a distinctively Christian perspective that prioritizes God’s values over partisan allegiance. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
It is important to review those who are new to your church over the past year to identify commonalities, patterns, or surprises. It can be just as useful to review all those who were involved in your church a year ago but are no long active. For each of those no longer active, identify the reasons they are on the list, if known (death, moved away, etc.). A question to use then might be: Are there any clues here from which we can and should learn?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Online cohort-based course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Strategic Planning and Visioning
This course guides participants in developing the skills necessary for leading a congregation through change and innovation. It focuses on discerning and developing an appropriate plan and vision for a congregation; gathering, analyzing, and making use of important data related to a congregation and its community context; and developing a wholistic plan for directing and leading a church towards a more faithful life together.

The first class is October 12, 2024. Completion of this course will count toward the Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program if requested. Learn more and enroll now.

Free webinar — Register now
Assessing Your Church’s Staffing Pattern
What does research reveal about typical church staffing patterns and expenditures? And how can you know if your staffing level is right?
Tuesday, October 8, Noon-1 p.m. Eastern
Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Dr. Ann A. Michel from the Lewis Center share data and perspectives that can help you think strategically about how your staffing pattern relates to your budget and your mission imperatives. Learn more and register now.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

In-depth interview with Cristin Cooper
Coop’s Soups, an Innovative Business and Ministry
A call to ministry along with a desire to make friends and fight off loneliness led Cristin Cooper to launch Coop’s Soups, an innovative business and ministry. In this interview, she shares with Lewis Center Director Doug Powe about how loving God and loving neighbor led her to reach people in new and creative ways. Read more now.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

To the Point
A Letter to Churches Seeking New Members
After visiting several churches, Lyda K. Hawes offers candid observations for congregations seeking new members, including “No public humiliation. No stalking. Remember us. And tell us what you really believe.” Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more To the Point sheets.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Leadership should be born out of the understanding of the needs of those who would be affected by it.” — Marian Anderson

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



September 11, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Is a Simplified Leadership Structure Right for Your Church?
Many churches are adopting a unified board structure to minimize layers of committee work and free time for hands on ministry. Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff outlines factors a church should consider in evaluating whether this approach fits their needs and circumstances. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 154
Remembering 9/11: Leadership During a Disaster
How can we lead in times of disaster? As we remember 9/11, Terry Bradfield, a retired Army chaplain who was assigned to the Pentagon on that fateful day, joins Lewis Center Director Doug Powe for a conversation about leading faithfully during a disaster. He reminds church leaders to check their doctrine at the door, focus on the sacredness of humanity, and bring a connection to the divine. Watch now, listen to the audio version, and read transcript.

A Plentiful Harvest
Tom Berlin explains why fruitfulness in terms of membership, discipleship, and growth are key measures of leadership effectiveness. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers.
In the excitement of making plans for a new endeavor, it is easy to neglect accounting for all the financial resources you will need. Be sure to ask of any venture: What resources will this plan require? Do we have those resources? Do we have a backup plan if sufficient resources are not available?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resources
Save Now on All Funding and Stewardship Video Tool Kit Resources
Save $10 on all funding and stewardship video tool kits through September 30.
Funding Your Congregation’s Vision (Stewardship) Series video tool kits provide strategies and best practices to help you fund your congregation’s ministry better. All resources are appropriate for self study and for use with groups in your church.

Titles include: Optimizing Annual Financial Campaigns; Building and Funding Your Capital Budget; Theology of Stewardship and Biblical Generosity; Developing Your Operating Budget; and Protect, Sustain, Grow: Best Practices for Handling Your Church’s Money.

Learn more and order now.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

Video short
The “Revolving Door” Principle of Inclusive Churches
Pastor Brandan Roberts breaks down the “revolving door” principle of inclusive churches and how that redefines what success may look like. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Free webinar — Register now
Assessing Your Church’s Staffing Pattern
What does research reveal about typical church staffing patterns and expenditures? And how can you know if your staffing level is right?

Tuesday, October 8, Noon-1 p.m. Eastern

Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Dr. Ann A. Michel from the Lewis Center share data and perspectives that can help you think strategically about how your staffing pattern relates to your budget and your mission imperatives. Learn more and register now.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Many leaders fear that encouraging others to voice opinions and make decisions will weaken their own standing. But there is good evidence that the opposite is true. Leaders who know when and how to cede power earn respect and commitment.” — Linda Greer, Francesca Gino, and Robert I. Sutton

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



September 4, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

5 Ways to Communicate More Effectively with your Congregation
Ensuring that everyone in a busy church is informed about upcoming events can be a daunting task. Doug Powe, Director of the Lewis Center, shares strategies that can significantly improve your communication efforts and help make sure your messages are effectively conveyed and received by your congregation. Read more now.

YES in God’s Back Yard!
Richard Reinhard shares how some congregations are using their property to develop affordable housing and meet other community needs, as well as local initiatives to lower the barriers to this type of development. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Bob Smietana, a religion reporter at Religion News Service and author, surveyed the current state of religion in the United States and concluded with some questions for church leaders: Will we choose hatred or healing? Will we wall ourselves up in our communities and toss rocks at those outside the gates? Will we fight or live in peace with our neighbors? Will we choose community and blessing or turn on one another while the world collapses around us?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Free webinar — Register now
Assessing Your Church’s Staffing Pattern
What does research reveal about typical church staffing patterns and expenditures? And how can you know if your staffing level is right?
Tuesday, October 8, Noon-1 p.m. Eastern
Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Dr. Ann A. Michel from the Lewis Center share data and perspectives that can help you think strategically about how your staffing pattern relates to your budget and your mission imperatives. Learn more and register now.

Free 50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Improve Your Annual Stewardship Campaign
This free resource from our popular 50 Ways series provides effective strategies for improving your stewardship campaign. Topics include: plan carefully; structure your campaign to acknowledge unique giving patterns; know what motivates people to give; ask in effective ways; follow-up; and more. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

In-depth interview with Dr. Reggie Blount
Welcoming Young Adults
Where are all the young people? Does the church really want to do ministry with them? In this interview, Doug Powe speaks with Dr. Reggie Blount, Associate Professor of Formation, Leadership, and Culture at Garrett Theological Seminary, about how the church can strengthen their ministry among young adults through hospitality, welcoming, and empowering them in works of purpose and mission. Read more now.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Video-based adult Christian studies
Looking for a Fall Study for Your Small Group?
Lewis Center video-based adult Christian studies encourage energetic discussion and personal reflection and are ideal for your congregation’s small groups, adult Bible studies, and Sunday School classes. Our most popular studies include: Journey through the Psalms; Simply Christian, In God’s Time; Nature: Our First Way of Knowing God; Religion and Science (with former NIH director Dr. Francis S. Collins); and more. Learn more now and shop for fall.

Discover more adult Christian studies plus video tool kit resources.

“Quotable” Leadership
“I didn’t break the rules, but I challenged the rules.” — Ella Baker

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



August 28, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Christians and Public Policy: Be Engaged, Informed, and Conflicted
As we navigate our opinions on public policy and electoral choices, it’s tempting to delegate our critical thinking to others. Miranda Zapor Cruz writes that Kingdom citizens must resist this ease and strive to stay engaged, informed, and even conflicted. By doing so, we uphold our responsibilities as faithful citizens, ensuring our actions reflect thoughtful and conscientious participation. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 153
Coop’s Soups, an Innovative Business and Ministry
A call to ministry along with a desire to make friends and fight off loneliness led Cristin Cooper to launch Coop’s Soups, an innovative business and ministry. She shares how loving God and loving neighbor led her to reach people in new and creative ways. Listen now, watch on YouTube, and read transcript.

Church Renewal Requires Property Renewal
Revitalizing a parish often begins with addressing its physical condition. While spiritual renewal is crucial, the state of the buildings can either foster or hinder that renewal. Neglected facilities become a source of anxiety, shame, and distraction, making it difficult for the congregation to focus on their mission. Gerald Keucher explains how a well-kept building can bolster a congregation’s self esteem, promote revitalization, and create an environment where hope and spiritual growth can flourish as it fulfills its mission. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers.
Dr. Jacqueline Lewis, pastor of Middle Collegiate Church in New York City, suggests we think of life as a story in progress, and in a previous Leading Ideas, five of her suggested questions were included. Here are her other five questions: In each past chapter, what were the stories along the way that gave you joy, love? What did these stories teach you about yourself? About the world? About love? What were the stories along the way that hurt or wounded you? What did these stories teach you about yourself? About the world? About love? What do you love about yourself, no matter what?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Be the Welcoming Church
Learn best practices for building welcoming worship, church buildings, congregations, websites, and more with Be the Welcoming Church. This study includes engaging videos and a Study and Discussion Guide providing scriptures, introductory information, discussion questions, and prayers to structure a group conversation. Learn more and watch introductory videos now.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

NEW video short
5 Ways to Engage Local Schools
Many congregations find that reaching out to their local schools is an important way to serve children and their families and strengthen ties with the broader community. Here are five ways you can engage your local schools effectively. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Changing other people’s minds requires us to expand our own.” — Peter Salovey

Video-based adult Christian study
Serious Answers to Hard Questions
In this thought-provoking video-based study, leading theologians address 10 issues that are obstacles to faith for many both in and outside of the church. Topics include the existence of evil, the relationship between science and religion, the sins of the church, and more. Serious Answers to Hard Questions is an outstanding introductory-level study that appeals to a very wide audience and is ideal for your small groups, adult Bible studies, and Sunday School classes. Learn more and watch sample video clips now.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



August 21, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

3 Key Principles for Intergenerational Preaching
What does intergenerational preaching look like? David Csinos shares that it is an emergent, experimental, and highly contextual endeavor that disrupts traditional homiletical norms. He offers three guiding principles to help cultivate the practice of intergenerational preaching: simplify the language, encourage conversation, and share the pulpit. Read more now.

5 Ways Forward for Very Small Congregations
The percentage of U.S. churches with attendance of 100 or fewer increased from 45 percent in 2000 to 70 percent in 2020. Lovett H. Weems Jr. shares relevant data while also considering the distinctive calling of very small congregations and ways they can embrace a more positive future. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Andrew Sobel and Jerold Panas offer a question a leader can use with almost any group within an organization: Is there a recent decision or change that you didn’t understand or wish you knew more about?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Online cohort-based learning experience from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Why Should You Consider the Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program?
Rev. Kaylee Vida, who earned her certificate in 2024, shares why she recommends the program: “This certificate program offered courses and opportunities for me to learn from experts and peers on topics that were exactly what I needed. They were the five classes I wished I’d had in seminary, but I needed the context to make the content worthwhile. I have learned how to be a better leader, a better visionary, a better pastor because of my experience with this program.” Watch a video of Rev. Vida.

The Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program, from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary, is designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors.

  • Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships. The first course begins August 24.
  • Courses are $500 à la carte, or purchase all five courses together for $2,250.

Learn more and enroll now.

Also available: Pathway for Ministry Certificate Program for laity

Video short
Take a Church Inventory!
Grace Pomroy, Director of the Stewardship Leaders Program at Luther Seminary, suggests you inventory ALL the assets that God has entrusted to your congregation’s care. Not just financial and physical, but also assets like skill, time, and networks. Watch now.

Watch more Lewis Center shorts.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

In-depth interview with Valerie Grissom
Being the Body of Christ through Intergenerational Christian Practice
How can intergenerational Christian practice foster relationships with God and community by engaging persons of all ages? In this interview we speak with Valerie Grissom, editor of All Ages Becoming: Intergenerational Practice and the Formation of God’s People, about the countercultural and community building work of intergenerational practices. Read more now.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Lewis Center video tool kit resources
Save Now on All Funding and Stewardship Video Tool Kit Resources
Save $10 on all funding and stewardship video tool kits through September 30.
Funding Your Congregation’s Vision (Stewardship) Series video tool kits provide strategies and best practices to help you fund your congregation’s ministry better. All resources are appropriate for self study and for use with groups in your church.

Titles include: Optimizing Annual Financial Campaigns; Building and Funding Your Capital Budget; Theology of Stewardship and Biblical Generosity; Developing Your Operating Budget; and Protect, Sustain, Grow: Best Practices for Handling Your Church’s Money.

Learn more and order now.

“Quotable” Leadership
“There is no innovation and creativity without failure. Period.” — Brené Brown

Book by Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Ann A. Michel
Generosity, Stewardship, and Abundance: A Transformational Guide to Church Finance
This comprehensive guide to Christian financial responsibility presents the Bible’s redeeming and transforming message of generosity, stewardship, and abundance. The book provides practical advice to pastors and church leaders tasked with funding ministry and inspiring others toward responsible stewardship and greater generosity. It addresses church fundraising, stewardship campaigns, budgets, financing capital needs, endowments, and innovative approaches to economic sustainability. Generosity, Stewardship, and Abundance integrates the theological and practical dimensions of finance to empower congregational leaders to think critically about stewardship from a Christian perspective, helping them use their personal and congregational possessions in the light of faith. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



August 14

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

10 Practical Strategies for Effective Stewardship Campaigns
Could your church benefit from a more systematic and effective approach to your annual stewardship drive? Ann A. Michel from the Lewis Center staff lays out ten steps that can help your church do a better job of connecting with givers and inspiring generosity. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 152
“Welcoming Young Adults” featuring Reggie Blount
How can congregations engage in ministry with young adults? Reggie Blount shares ways congregations can strengthen their ministry with young adults through hospitality, welcoming and meeting young adults where they are, and empowering them to engage in works of purpose and mission. Listen now, watch on YouTube, and read transcript.

Your Community is Your Congregation
Pastor Joe Daniels says vital churches focus outward, engaging their communities, not only to serve but to build relationships and make disciples. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Leaders find clues in things that don’t fit usual patterns, and here is where ideas for unexpected opportunities emerge. This is an example of a question that might trigger such an opportunity: Who has joined our church in the past year that didn’t fit the typical profile of new members?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Optimizing Annual Financial Campaigns
Save $10 on this and other funding and stewardship video tool kits through September 30, 2024.
Did you know that church members who pledge give 30 percent more than those who don’t pledge? And congregations that seek annual financial commitments have significantly higher levels of overall giving? With Optimizing Annual Financial Campaigns you will learn to reap the harvest of generosity through best practices to make your annual financial campaign more effective. Learn more and watch introductory videos now.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

NEW video short
5 Ways to Take Church to the Community
Churches can no longer open their doors and expect that people will come in. Effective congregations go into the world to encounter those in need of the gospel. Here are five ways to reach beyond the walls of your church with worship, community events, ministries, and service. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Online cohort-based course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Strategic Stewardship: Money and Ministry
This course takes a look at what effective ministry leadership looks like when it comes to church finances and money, particularly in today’s post-attractional and post-pandemic environment. It focuses less on the nuts and bolts of keeping the church’s finances and more on the high-level leadership tasks and perspectives required to foster generosity, promote healthier dialogue around issues related to faith and money, and develop new strategies for economic sustainability.

The first class is August 24, 2024. Completion of this course will count toward the Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program if requested. Learn more and enroll now.


Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program
Designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors — From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary

• Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships. The first course begins August 24, 2024.
• Courses may be purchased a la carte for $500 each or purchase all five courses together for $2,500. Learn more and enroll now.

Also available: Pathways for Ministry Certificate Program for laity

“Quotable” Leadership
“It isn’t a calamity to die with dreams unfulfilled, but it is certainly a calamity not to dream. It is not a disaster to be unable to capture your ideal, but it is a disaster to have to no ideal to capture.” — Benjamin E. Mays

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



August 7, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

11 Simple Ideas to Make Your Church More Intergenerational
A congregation can start becoming more intergenerational by simply inviting one more generation to take part in any congregational event or activity. The authors of Intergenerational Christian Formation offer these simple possibilities for bringing different generations together. Read more now.

4 Steps for Forming an Inclusive Group
How can church leaders embrace inclusivity and forge intercultural partnerships to chart a new course towards vibrant, equitable communities? Dale Weatherspoon shares four essential steps to foster inclusivity, from articulating the why to executing inclusive planning, and sustaining momentum for lasting change. Follow these steps as you seek to build bridges and elevate every voice in our shared quest for a better tomorrow. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Churches often are slow to change as circumstances change. These questions may give an opportunity to discuss what is changing and what is not: What changes have we made in the past five years? What has not changed at all in the past five years?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Engaging Local Schools
Schoolchildren, parents, and teachers across the country are in need of supplies, meals, tutoring, and support. This video tool kit resource guides your congregation in discerning a vision for a school partnership that responds to the needs present in your neighborhood and utilizes the unique gifts your church has to offer. Learn more and watch introductory videos now.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

Free 50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Engage Local Schools
Many congregations find that reaching out to their local schools is an important way to serve children and families and strengthen ties with the broader community. These 50 tips and strategies can help you engage your local school effectively. Read now, share, and download free.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

In-depth interview with Kathleen McShane and Elan Babchuck
Moses, Pyramids and Leadership After Empire
How can an innovative exploration of Moses’s biblical narrative offer a more generous leadership model for today’s religious leaders? In this interview, Doug Powe speaks about leadership with Kathleen McShane and Elan Babchuck, authors of Picking Up the Pieces: Leadership After Empire. Consider how God is calling you to a leadership model where power is shared so that power multiplies, and people are connected to God and each other. Read more now.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Online cohort-based course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Strategic Stewardship: Money and Ministry
This course takes a look at what effective ministry leadership looks like when it comes to church finances and money, particularly in today’s post-attractional and post-pandemic environment. It focuses less on the nuts and bolts of keeping the church’s finances and more on the high-level leadership tasks and perspectives required to foster generosity, promote healthier dialogue around issues related to faith and money, and develop new strategies for economic sustainability.

The first class is August 24, 2024. Completion of this course will count toward the Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program if requested. Learn more and enroll now.


Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program
Designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors — From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary

• Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships. The first course begins August 24, 2024.
• Courses may be purchased a la carte for $500 each or purchase all five courses together for $2,500. Learn more and enroll now.

Also available: Pathways for Ministry Certificate Program for laity

“Quotable” Leadership
“I learned that disputes among the faithful, although usually fought with polite words, can be as acrimonious in their language as a street brawl.” — Pauli Murray

Book by Ann A. Michel
Synergy: A Leadership Guide for Church Staff and Volunteers
The landscape of ministry is rapidly evolving as more and more lay persons take on significant ministry roles. Yet our mindset about ministry hasn’t been as quick to change. Lay ministry practitioners are often ill-prepared and underappreciated, confused about their call, and unsure of their theological identity. Dr. Michel’s book Synergy is a leadership guide that speaks directly to their needs. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



July 31

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Moving from Ministry FOR the People to Ministry WITH the People
Many congregations actively engage in community outreach activities that provide essential resources to those in need within our communities. While outreach is crucial, we must also strive to engage with people, fostering genuine relationships and shared efforts in our ministries. Doug Powe, of the Lewis Center staff, offers invitation and involvement as two ways congregations can move from community outreach to engagement. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 151
Being the Body of Christ through Intergenerational Christian Practice
How can intergenerational Christian practice foster relationships with God and community by engaging persons of all ages? We speak with Valerie Grissom, editor of All Ages Becoming: Intergenerational Practice and the Formation of God’s People, about the countercultural and community building work of intergenerational practices. Listen now, watch on YouTube, and read transcript.

Your Building Has More Signs Than You Think
Storytelling is a relatable, memorable way to convey information and engage peoples’ hearts and minds. Justin Irving says effective leaders master the art of storytelling to engage stakeholders in the mission of their organizations. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
A quick way to identify areas that may need attention is to ask this question at a staff meeting or a meeting of the church council: What is a common question, complaint, or suggestion you get about our church?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

The Doctor of Ministry
Apply Now for the Premier Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership
Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth. Learn more and apply today for January 2025 and May 2025 start dates.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

NEW video short
5 Ways to Encourage Faithful Giving
Helping people experience the joy of giving is more than a way of funding the church’s ministry. Here are five ways of encouraging faithful giving that will help your church members grow in discipleship through faithful stewardship and extravagant generosity. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Be the Welcoming Church
Learn best practices for building welcoming worship, church buildings, congregations, websites, and more with Be the Welcoming Church. This study includes engaging videos and a Study and Discussion Guide providing scriptures, introductory information, discussion questions, and prayers to structure a group conversation. Learn more and watch introductory videos now.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Most of us take pride in our knowledge and expertise, and in staying true to our beliefs and opinions. That makes sense in a stable world. … The problem is that we live in a rapidly changing world, where we need to spend as much time rethinking as we do thinking.” — Adam Grant

Online cohort-based learning experience from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Why Should You Consider the Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program?
Rev. Kaylee Vida, who earned her certificate in 2024, shares why she recommends the program: “This certificate program offered courses and opportunities for me to learn from experts and peers on topics that were exactly what I needed. They were the five classes I wished I’d had in seminary, but I needed the context to make the content worthwhile. I have learned how to be a better leader, a better visionary, a better pastor because of my experience with this program.” Watch a video of Rev. Vida.

The Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program, from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary, is designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors.

  • Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships. The first course begins August 24.
  • Courses are $500 à la carte, or purchase all five courses together for $2,500.

Learn more and enroll now.

Also available: Pathway for Ministry Certificate Program for laity

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



July 24, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

7 Essential Requirements for All Good Leaders
How would you assess your personal leadership ability? Dan Reiland explores seven essential requirements for effective leadership, encouraging leaders to reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement. From developing self-awareness and practicing leadership skills to learning from mistakes and taking calculated risks, each aspect is vital for leading with integrity and impact. Moreover, it underscores the importance of maintaining genuine care for people, cultivating healthy habits, and deepening our trust in God. Read more now.

6 Opportunities for Churches with Aging Memberships
Research undertaken by the Lewis Center’s Religious Workforce Project confirms that the over-representation of older people in churches has become more pronounced. Lovett Weems unpacks factors related to this trend and identifies six ways a church can respond to an aging membership base. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Every two years, a federal agency publishes a list of high-risk programs where at least $1 billion is at stake and the possibility of misuse exists. While not directly applicable to churches, it is a reminder that occasionally it helps all groups to ask: What aspects of our work may put our ministry at risk and may need more oversight?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

To the Point
5 Indices of Health and Vitality for Small to Mid-Sized Congregations
Small church expert Dr. Lew Parks describes five indices of health and vitality for small to mid-sized congregations that contribute to “dynamic equilibrium.” Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more To the Point sheets.

Online cohort-based course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Strategic Stewardship: Money and Ministry
This course takes a look at what effective ministry leadership looks like when it comes to church finances and money, particularly in today’s post-attractional and post-pandemic environment. It focuses less on the nuts and bolts of keeping the church’s finances and more on the high-level leadership tasks and perspectives required to foster generosity, promote healthier dialogue around issues related to faith and money, and develop new strategies for economic sustainability.

The first class is August 24, 2024. Completion of this course will count toward the Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program if requested. Learn more and enroll now.


Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program
Designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors — From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary

• Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships. The first course begins August 24, 2024.
• Courses may be purchased a la carte for $500 each or purchase all five courses together by July 31, 2024, for the early-bird discount price of $2,250. Learn more and enroll now.

Also available: Pathways for Ministry Certificate Program for laity

In-depth interview with Heidi Brooks
Everyday Leadership and Hope for Humanity
How can church leaders lead in a way that is meaningful, sustainable, interesting, and makes an impact? In this interview, Heidi Brooks, Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior at the Yale School of Management, a leadership and organizational behavior expert, shares how everyday leadership brings hope for humanity. Read more now.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Video-based adult Christian studies
Plan Now for Your Small Groups This Fall
Lewis Center video-based adult Christian studies encourage energetic discussion and personal reflection and are ideal for your congregation’s small groups, adult Bible studies, and Sunday School classes. Our most popular studies include: Journey through the Psalms; Simply Christian, In God’s Time; Nature: Our First Way of Knowing God; Religion and Science (with former NIH director Dr. Francis S. Collins); and more. Learn more now and shop for fall.

Discover more adult Christian studies plus video tool kit resources.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Diverse talent and an inclusive culture led by inclusive leaders are the building blocks to truly advancing equity, which is about results: measurable and meaningful outcomes.” — Susan MacKenty Brady, Janet Foutty, and Lynn Perry Wooten

Book by Doug Powe and Jessica Anschutz
Healing Fractured Communities
Healing Fractured Communities is written by alumni of the Lewis Center Community Leadership Fellows program who are pastoral leaders engaged in the work of renewal, resilience, and resistance in congregations, on college campuses, and in communities. Each chapter paints a picture of the work of healing fractures like racism, education inequality, and/or poverty. Each chapter includes takeaways to inspire healing in your community, and questions for reflection. Proceeds from the sale of the book support the Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. Scholarship Fund. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



July 17

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Leaders Tell the Story of Their Organization
Storytelling is a relatable, memorable way to convey information and engage peoples’ hearts and minds. Justin Irving says effective leaders master the art of storytelling to engage stakeholders in the mission of their organizations. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 150
Moses, Pyramids, and Leadership After Empire
How can an innovative exploration of Moses’ biblical narrative offer a more generous leadership model for today’s religious leaders? In this episode, Kathleen McShane and Elan Babchuck, authors of Picking Up the Pieces: Leadership After Empire, ask how God is calling you to a leadership model in which power is shared so that power multiplies, and people are connected to God and each other. Listen now, watch on YouTube, and read transcript.

Strong Youth Ministry and the Call to Ministry
Robert Schnase writes that a church can impact the number and quality of future pastoral leadership by having an effective youth ministry. Mentors can help youth interpret their calls and support them as their journeys unfold. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Willie Dwayne Francois III suggests questions that arise when we are willing to “tell on ourselves” in naming our complicity in racism (Silencing White Noise: Six Practices to Overcome Our Inaction on Race). Am I willing to pay a price? What am I willing to give up? Can I handle the backlash? Am I ready to confront my complicity and reimagine my responsibility?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Online cohort-based learning experience from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Why Should You Consider the Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program?
Rev. Kaylee Vida, who earned her certificate in 2024, shares why she recommends the program: “This certificate program offered courses and opportunities for me to learn from experts and peers on topics that were exactly what I needed. They were the five classes I wished I’d had in seminary, but I needed the context to make the content worthwhile. I have learned how to be a better leader, a better visionary, a better pastor because of my experience with this program.” Watch a video of Rev. Vida.

The Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program, from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary, is designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors.

  • Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships. The first course begins August 24.
  • Courses are $500 each, or purchase all five courses together for $2,500 — Early-bird discount: Only $2,250 if purchased together by July 31, 2024.

Learn more and enroll now.

Also available: Pathway for Ministry Certificate Program for laity

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

NEW video short
5 Ways to Strengthen Children’s Ministry
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” Here are five ways to strengthen children’s ministry. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Leading Like Nehemiah: Rebuilding Together
Available as both a self-paced online course and video-based study for groups.
Church leaders have always looked to scripture for wisdom on how to fulfill their callings. Leading Like Nehemiah: Rebuilding Together lifts up key themes in Nehemiah’s witness that can inspire and guide faith leaders today.

Available as an online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry — $15
This self-paced learning experience features six learning modules, each of which includes a combination of readings, videos, quizzes, and other forms of media that are designed to stimulate the mind and captivate the imagination. Enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

Available as a video-based adult Christian study for small groups — $45
This six-session video-based study curriculum includes a Study and Discussion Guide that provides scriptures, introductory information, discussion questions, and prayers to structure group conversations on the subject of each video. Also includes an e-book. Learn more now and watch a sample video.

Discover more adult Christian studies and video tool kit resources.

“Quotable” Leadership
“One of the things that makes it hard to see this new [religious]landscape is that the explosion that went off in American Christendom was a neutron bomb: it left the buildings intact, while wiping out the congregations inside.” — Bill McKibben

Book by F. Douglas Powe Jr. and Lovett H. Weems Jr.
Sustaining While Disrupting: The Challenge of Congregational Innovation
This book offers church leaders theological insights and practical skills for two crucial tasks: to sustain and strengthen foundational elements of the churches they serve and to guide the critical innovation required to address a context vastly different from the one that current assumptions and behaviors fit. The authors explain the different approaches needed for each task and specify the knowledge and practices leaders require. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



July 10, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

5 Benefits of Intergenerational Christian Formation
A family of faith more fully reflects the body of Christ when generations come together, and each individual brings their unique, God-given gifts. The authors of Intergenerational Christian Formation outline five benefits of intergenerational ministry for the church and members in different stage of life. Read more now.

How to Develop a Social Media Strategy That Enhances Your Ministry
What are the benefits social media can bring to your ministry? Scott Holthaus highlights ways churches can build and boost their social media strategies to maximize the benefits of your church’s social media presence. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
People outside the church are often hesitant to come to events and group meetings at the church building. Many churches are finding ways to take church to the community through initiatives that take place away from the church facilities. Dan Pezet offers questions that may help a church consider options for such a ministry. What parts of your discipleship system would be easiest to move beyond the walls of the church? Which would be most challenging?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

To the Point
Stop Complaining about Sunday Morning Sports
It’s a common complaint among clergy types, “Sunday morning sports are taking people away from worship!” Keith Anderson says rather than making parents feel guilty for wanting to be at their kids’ games, let’s instead talk about the life of faith—one in which parents can see all the shuttling around they do, the homework help, getting kids dressed, and, yes, even watching their kid play hockey on Sunday morning as ministry in and of itself. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more To the Point sheets.

Online cohort-based learning experience from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Early-bird Discount for Leadership Certificate Program for Pastors Ends July 31 — Save $250
Designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors — From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary

Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships. First course begins August 24.

Courses are $500 each, or purchase all five courses together for $2,500 — Early-bird discount: Only $2,250 if purchased together by July 31, 2024. Learn more and enroll now.

Also available: Pathways for Ministry Certificate Program for laity

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Allison Norton
Clergy Health and Wellness in the Post-Pandemic Era
What is the state of clergy health and wellbeing coming out of the pandemic? What factors and practices influence the emotional wellbeing of clergy? Allison Norton describes new research that reveals growing discontentment even though clergy health and wellbeing tends to be better than that of the general public. Read more now.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Video-based adult Christian study
In God’s Time: The Bible and the Future
In this 10-session video-based adult study, Dr. Craig Hill makes eschatology—the study of the “Last Things”—and the book of Revelation understandable to laypeople and experts alike. In God’s Time avoids the extremes of pulp fiction and high scholarly debate and instead opens up the entire Bible—encouraging Christians to take seriously the hope of God’s ultimate victory. Learn more and view a sample of the Session 1 video and Participant’s Guide.

Discover more adult Christian studies plus video tool kit resources.

“Quotable” Leadership
“What unites us is far greater than what divides us as families and friends and Americans and spiritual sojourners on this Earth.” — Marian Wright Edelman

Book by F. Douglas Powe Jr.
The Adept Church: Navigating Between a Rock and a Hard Place
The Adept Church helps congregations develop realistic road maps for navigating between a “rock and a hard place” with a clear process for defining reality—a process based on strategic decisions concerning where the church needs to go and not where it is currently. This theologically grounded, yet practical guide is for church leaders seeking to save their churches. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



June 26

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Leading Amidst Christian Nationalism
Lovett H. Weems Jr. outlines seven strategies for responding to Christian nationalism in measured and faithful ways. Church leaders should try to help congregants put their love of country in perspective as people of faith while not expressing judgment or devaluing the feelings of loss that often give rise to today’s iteration of Christian nationalism. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 149
Everyday Leadership and Hope for Humanity
How can church leaders lead in such a way that is meaningful, sustainable, interesting and makes an impact? We speak with Heidi Brooks, Senior Lecturer in Organizational Behavior at the Yale School of Management, a leadership and organizational behavior expert about everyday leadership. Listen now, watch on YouTube, and read transcript.

5 Improv Skills for Church Leadership
Incorporating lessons from improv comedy into ministry might seem unlikely, but it has profoundly impacted Elizabeth Hurd’s ministry. Through improv classes she’s discovered five key improv skills that enhance effective church leadership: listening, saying “yes, and,” staying grounded, being bold, and supporting from the backline. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker Movement, helps us remember the needs of every person we hope to serve when she asks: What else do we all want, each one of us, except to love and be loved, in our families, in our work, in all our relationships?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Online cohort-based learning experience from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Early-bird Discount for Certificate Program for Laity Ends Soon — Save 50%

Pathways for Ministry Certificate Program — Designed for lay ministers and laity who are leaders in congregations | From Wesley Theological Seminary and SMU Perkins School of Theology
Courses: New Testament, Old Testament, Preaching & Worship, Pastoral Care, and Approaches to Leadership
First course begins August 24. Courses are $100 each, or purchase all five courses together for $500 — Early-bird discount: Only $250 if purchased together by June 30, 2024.
Learn more and enroll now.

Also available: Lewis Center Leadership Certificate Program for pastors.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

NEW video short
5 Ways to Improve Pastoral Transitions
Stumped on the best way to navigate pastoral transitions? Here are five ways to ease the process so that you can finish, and start, on the right foot. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Taking Church to the Community
Explore strategies your congregation can use to reach beyond its walls with worship, community events, ministries, and service. Taking Church to the Community features engaging videos and presentations and is designed for both self-study and for use with groups in your church. Learn more and watch introductory videos now.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Courage is a reflection of the heart—it is a reflection of something deep within the man or woman or even a child who must resist and must defy an authority that is morally wrong.” — John Lewis

Book by Lovett H. Weems Jr.
Church Leadership: Vision, Team, Culture, Integrity
The definitive guide to leading a congregation
The need for leadership in the church is pressing, and the need for clear, insightful thinking about leadership is great. In Church Leadership: Vision, Team, Culture, Integrity, Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. draws on the best new ideas and research in organizational leadership, yet always with his trademark theological grounding foremost in mind. Anyone who guides the life of a congregation, be they clergy or laity, will find this book the indispensable tool with which to follow their calling to be a church leader. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



June 19, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

The Great Omission
Michael Adam Beck and Stephanie Moore Hand say that if we take from Jesus’s Great Commission only the call to “make disciples” we are omitting one small but important word. GO! The Great Commission isn’t about bringing people into the church building and properly Christianizing them. It’s about a community of learners, going out together, becoming, and making disciples as they journey through the normal trials and joys of life. Read more now.

3 Clues for Reaching New Believers
Lovett H. Weems Jr. shares metrics for gauging your church’s effectiveness in bringing new people to faith. He also outlines three clues that can help churches of all sizes reach new believers. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
In their book Picking Up the Pieces: Leadership after Empire, Kathleen McShane and Elan Babchuck suggest that churches examine their practices to allow the ministries of everyone to flourish to the fullest. Three questions they suggest that leaders ask are: Does the shape of your organization elevate the giftedness of every person, including yourself? Do the patterns of your leadership make room for everyone to contribute and grow? In the story of your organization’s work, who are the heroes, and what must they overcome?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

NEW video short
5 Ways to Welcome New People
One key to effective outreach is making sure that worship visitors feel truly welcome. Here are five ways your congregation can make a good first impression. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.


Online cohort-based learning experiences from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Certificate Programs for Laity and Pastors

Pathways for Ministry Certificate Program — Designed for lay ministers and laity who are leaders in congregations | From Wesley Theological Seminary and SMU Perkins School of Theology
Courses: New Testament, Old Testament, Preaching & Worship, Pastoral Care, and Approaches to Leadership
First course begins August 24. Courses are $100 each, or purchase all five courses together by June 30, 2024, for $250.
Learn more and enroll now.

Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program — Designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors | From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary
Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships
First course begins August 24. Courses are $500 each, or purchase all five courses together by July 31, 2024, for $2,250.
Learn more and enroll now.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Holly Allen
Intergenerational Christian Formation
How can bringing different generations together in worship, learning, and community promote faith formation? Holly Allen discusses the benefits of a more intergenerational approach to ministry and strategies for helping young and old journey together in faith. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Discover and Dream
»»» Buy free through June 30, 2024!
Learn to engage your community in new and exciting ways!
With the Discover and Dream online course, your leadership team will reflect on established relationships and consider new partnerships, think outside of the box in terms of ministry, and make use of resources beyond money and so much more. When you finish this course, you will be on a path for vitality that will breathe new life into the congregation! Learn more and enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Time really is a circle; I can see that now. We are trapped between a past we can’t return to and a future that is uncertain. And it takes guts to live here, in the hard space between anticipation and realization.” — Kate Bowler

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



June 12

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

5 Ways to Overcome Barriers to Affordable Housing Development on Church Property
Richard Reinhard says pairing the surplus of faith properties with the deficit of affordable housing appears to be a match made in heaven. Yet common barriers often stand in the way. He suggests five adjustments that faith institutions, municipalities, and the real estate industry can make to realize this opportunity. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 148
Clergy Health and Wellness in the Post-Pandemic Era
What is the state of clergy health and wellbeing coming out of the pandemic? What factors and practices influence the emotional wellbeing of clergy? Allison Norton describes new research that reveals growing discontentment even though clergy health and wellbeing tends to be better than that of the general public. Listen now, watch on YouTube, and read transcript.

Why Making Your Church Multigenerational Is Worth the Effort
Chuck Lawless says it is hard to be a multigenerational church, but it is worth the effort. He outlines some of the benefits of multigenerational ministry as well as the obstacles that prevent many congregations from embodying this ideal. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
The political divisions in the United States tend to spill over into settings that impact virtually all leaders. Perhaps it doesn’t have to be that way. The late John Lewis served in the U.S. Congress during these polarized times. He was no stranger to conflict, but he never believed disagreement had to be so ignoble. He asked his colleagues: Why do we have to be so mean? Is there something that incites us to bring one another down, to violate one another with so much glee?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

LPLI Helps Good Church Leaders Become Better Church Leaders
LPLI Pastor Version | LPLI Staff Version
LPLI is a confidential, online, 360º leadership assessment inventory designed to help those working in the church identify individual strengths and weaknesses in order to improve their ministry effectiveness. LPLI users receive a personalized leadership profile report that can be used for self-discovery, discussing their results with others, setting goals for improvement, and tracking progress over time. For institutions with groups of members using the inventory, a customized aggregate report can be prepared for group leaders. Learn more now.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

To the Point
Suggestions for Churches with a Young Pastor
Churches that receive a young pastor need to remember how lucky they are! Many congregations say they want a younger pastor, but few have the opportunity. Learn tips and strategies to support your young pastor. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more To the Point sheets.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Online cohort-based learning experiences from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Save Now on Certificate Programs for Laity and Pastors

Pathways for Ministry Certificate Program — Designed for lay ministers and laity who are leaders in congregations | From Wesley Theological Seminary and SMU Perkins School of Theology
Courses: New Testament, Old Testament, Preaching & Worship, Pastoral Care, and Approaches to Leadership
First course begins August 24. Courses are $100 each, or purchase all five courses together by June 30, 2024, for $300.
Learn more and enroll now.

Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program — Designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors | From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary
Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships
First course begins August 24. Courses are $500 each, or purchase all five courses together by July 31, 2024, for $2,250.
Learn more and enroll now.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

“Quotable” Leadership
“We as leaders don’t do a good enough job of explaining to people that the quality of the community cannot be seen in terms of the best-off part of the community; it’s measured in terms of how the most vulnerable people are doing.” — Max De Pree

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



June 5, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

4 Steps to Becoming a Cultural Detective
Thinking of yourself as a “cultural detective” is a way to expand your appreciation, sensitivity, and respect for others and build bridges that span human diversity. Lucia Ann McSpadden, one of the authors of Building Lasting Bridges: An Updated Handbook for Intercultural Ministries, outlines four tools for analyzing intercultural interactions. Read more now.

Should a Church Close?
Sustainability is increasingly difficult for the ever increasing number of churches worshipping small numbers each week. Lovett Weems captures the dilemma for church leaders and draws from Carey Nieuwhof some reasons why a church may need to close. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Tim Alberta tells of hearing John Dickson, an Australian Anglican theologian now teaching at Wheaton College, speak at a conference about changes American Christians are facing. Especially addressing the loss of privileged standing within society that these Christians face, Dickson offered some provocative questions: What does it mean to lose well?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

NEW video short
5 Ways to Increase Worship Attendance
Because worship is at the center of congregational life, strong attendance is more than a number. It is a vital sign. Here are five ways you can increase worship attendance in your church. Watch now on YouTube.

Watch more “5 Ways” shorts.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Kevin Slayton
Engaging in the Public Sphere
How can church leaders better engage the public sphere and expand their prophetic witness? Kevin Slayton, a pastor with a passion for public policy and prophetic preaching, reflects on building relationships, engaging in politics, and his book Politically Preaching, Why Politics Are Local to the Black Church. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Online cohort-based learning experiences from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Certificate Programs for Laity and Pastors

Pathways for Ministry Certificate Program — Designed for lay ministers and laity who are leaders in congregations | From Wesley Theological Seminary and SMU Perkins School of Theology
Courses: New Testament, Old Testament, Preaching & Worship, Pastoral Care, and Approaches to Leadership
First course begins August 24. Courses are $100 each, or purchase all five courses together by June 30, 2024, for $300.
Learn more and enroll now.

Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program — Designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors | From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary
Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships
First course begins August 24. Courses are $500 each, or purchase all five courses together by July 31, 2024, for $2,250.
Learn more and enroll now.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

“Quotable” Leadership
“What ultimately matters in any life is whether, at every point, we are sufficiently attentive to what has been lost and gained, and whether that knowledge usefully informs us about how to live out the rest of our lives.” — Ruth J. Simmons

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Discover and Dream
»»» Free through June 30, 2024!
Learn to engage your community in new and exciting ways!
With the Discover and Dream online course, your leadership team will reflect on established relationships and consider new partnerships, think outside of the box in terms of ministry, and make use of resources beyond money and so much more. When you finish this course, you will be on a path for vitality that will breathe new life into the congregation! Learn more and enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



May 29 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

3 Touchstones of Welcoming Newcomers Today
What was once perceived as welcoming may no longer resonate with the unchurched of today. How can congregations extend hospitality to the unchurched? Brett DeHart shares three touchstones of modern hospitality: safe place, people matter, and joyful energy. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 147
The Benefits of Intergenerational Christian Formation
How can bringing different generations together in worship, learning, and community promote faith formation? Holly Allen discusses the benefits of a more intergenerational approach to ministry and strategies for helping young and old journey together in faith. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

Working through the Stages of Grief when Cutting Your Budget
Dan Pezet says a major alignment in a church’s budget can be accompanied by all the classic stages of grief—denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. By acknowledging these phases and allowing people to come to grips with their emotions a church will ultimately find its way to the final stage of grief—acceptance. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Leaders are often asked to do things that seem unrelated to their goals and current list of tasks. It might be to teach a class, give a devotional, serve on a panel, or meet with a community group. These opportunities can be used to enrich what you are already trying to do by using this question: How can I use what I’ve learned in this assignment that can enrich something else I’m doing, such as a speech or sermon, a newsletter message or a program area?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The New Welcome
Learn concepts and strategies to welcome and respond to your first-time and repeat visitors, reach younger generations, expand your church’s entry points, and get new people involved. The New Welcome Video Tool Kit helps you open your church to new people by acknowledging the changing ways that people enter into the life of congregations. Learn more and watch introductory videos now.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Encourage Faithful Giving
Helping people experience the joy of giving is more than a way of funding the church’s ministry. These 50 ways of encouraging faithful giving will help your church members grow in discipleship through faithful stewardship and extravagant generosity. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Video-based adult Christian study curriculum
Religion and Science: Pathways to Truth
Presented by Dr. Francis S. Collins, former director of the National Institutes of Health
Is it possible to be a Christian and take science seriously? Must we choose between God and science? The nine lessons in this essential and inspiring course offer a positive alternative: a way to live in today’s world as scientifically informed. Religion and Science is ideal for your congregation’s in-person and online small groups, adult Bible studies, and Sunday School classes. Learn more, watch preview clips, and order now.

Discover more adult Christian studies plus video tool kit resources.

“Quotable” Leadership
“The dominant view of leadership is that the leader has the vision, and the rest is a sales problem. I think that notion of leadership is bankrupt.” — Ronald Heifetz

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



May 22, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Close Generation Gaps, Deepen Relationships
How can congregations close generation gaps by building intergenerational relationships and ministries? Laura Buchanan offers several ways congregations can create opportunities for people from different generations to build relationships, serve together, and mentor one another. Read more now.

What Does Declining Attendance Portend for Congregations and Their Leaders?
A sustained decline in worship attendance is afflicting most American congregations. Drawing on findings from the Lewis Center’s Religious Workforce Project, Lovett H. Weems Jr. outlines ways congregations can respond to declining attendance and how the trend impacts the deployment of clergy and other congregational leaders. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Beth Allison Barr tells of a question asked by a speaker at a youth evangelism conference that has helped her listen to others better and to remain humble. The question was, “What if you’re wrong?” As a historian and teacher, she finds similar questions useful, especially when questioned by students: What if I’m wrong about my conclusions? Am I willing to reconsider the evidence?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Online cohort-based learning experiences from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Certificate Programs for Laity and Pastors

Pathways for Ministry Certificate Program — Designed for lay ministers and laity who are leaders in congregations | From Wesley Theological Seminary and SMU Perkins School of Theology
Courses: New Testament, Old Testament, Preaching & Worship, Pastoral Care, and Approaches to Leadership
First course begins August 24. Courses are $100 each, or purchase all five courses together by June 30, 2024, for $300.
Learn more and enroll now.

Lewis Center Church Leadership Certificate Program — Designed as an equivalent to an executive leadership program for pastors | From the Lewis Center for Church Leadership and Wesley Theological Seminary
Courses: Strategic Stewardship, Strategic Planning and Visioning, Strategic Administration, Strategic Innovation, and Strategic Partnerships
First course begins August 24. Courses are $500 each, or purchase all five courses together by July 31, 2024, for $2,250.
Learn more and enroll now.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Youth
How can your church help youth claim a vital faith? No question is more critical to the future of the church. Learn effective tips your congregation can use to improve ministry with teens and their families in 50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Youth. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with K Scarry
Innovating to Build Communities Where All Can Flourish
How can a passion for helping people flourish lead to social innovation? K Scarry share about social innovation and the ways she is supporting local artists, helping create spaces where everyone can thrive, and more. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Discover and Dream
»»» Free through June 30, 2024!
Learn to engage your community in new and exciting ways!
With the Discover and Dream online course, your leadership team will reflect on established relationships and consider new partnerships, think outside of the box in terms of ministry, and make use of resources beyond money and so much more. When you finish this course, you will be on a path for vitality that will breathe new life into the congregation! Learn more and enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Being a respectful leader requires much more than treating everyone with dignity. It involves acquiring a body of knowledge that allows you to understand the lived experiences of those whose identity or heritage is different from your own.” — Sylvia Ann Hewlett

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



May 15, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

9 Lessons from Nehemiah for Faith-based Property Development
David Bowers draws key lessons from the biblical story of Nehemiah to guide churches that are redeveloping their buildings or property to serve community needs. He says that such development is difficult, but doable, when approached with the correct spiritual and practical perspectives. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 146
Engaging in the Public Sphere
How can church leaders better engage the public sphere and expand their prophetic witness? We speak with Kevin Slayton, a pastor with a passion for public policy and prophetic preaching, about building relationships, engaging in politics, and his book Politically Preaching, Why Politics Are Local to the Black Church. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

11 Questions for Getting to Know a New Congregation
Robert Harris shares a method for interviewing congregational leaders and others to help an incoming pastor learn about a new congregation. He recommends interviewing a broad representation of leaders and encourages pastors to be relaxed and curious during the interviews. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
The formation of “moral societies” in the United States was common in the first two decades of the 19th century based on English and colonial models. One established in New England by Lyman Beecher used these three questions: What evils of a moral nature are now existing in this community? What is the probable cause of these evils? In what manner can they, with the most probable success, be remedied?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Congregational Budget Bundle
Learn to improve your church’s capital and operating budgets. The bundle includes Building and Funding Your Capital Budget, which helps you assess your current situation and engage your church’s big budget questions, and Developing Your Operating Budget, which shares different ways that churches create their annual operating budgets, five common budgeting models, and more. Learn more and watch video previews.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

To the Point tip sheet
Suggestions for Churches with a Clergywoman
A harsh reality is that most clergywomen still face sexism. If you have a female pastor, the all-purpose question to remember is: “Would you honestly ask (say, criticize) this if the pastor were a man? If so, okay. If not, drop it.” Know that a female pastor continues a tradition of women in ministry going back to biblical times. Learn to celebrate her pastoral leadership with To the Point: Suggestions for Churches with a Clergywoman. Read now, share, and download free.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Today, we know a great deal about expressing preferences, but we lack experience in persuading one another with arguments, and we often lack a shared vocabulary in which to make such arguments.” — Robin W. Lovin

Book by Lovett H. Weems Jr.
Overflow: Increase Worship Attendance & Bear More Fruit
Worship attendance matters. In Overflow, Lovett Weems and Tom Berlin share research-based insights, tactical ideas, and practices that lead to increased attendance. They instruct church leaders on the importance of paying attention to factors critical to worship growth and demonstrate new approaches to worship planning. Learn more now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



May 8, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Saying Goodbye in the Sermon
Beverly Zink-Sawyer says the sermon can provide a way of offering a good and gracious “goodbye” to a pastor, preacher, or member of the congregation who is leaving. She provides guidance on acknowledging the past while also claiming the hope in what is yet to come, a list of dos and don’ts, and key biblical references. Read more now.

Guidelines for Healthy Clergy Transitions
Susan Nienaber says all major life transitions can be hard, but ministry transitions come with unique challenges. She provides helpful guidance on how a pastor and congregation can make a healthy transition when clergy come and go. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Dwight Zscheile, Michael Binder, and Tessa Pinkstaff, in Leading Faithful Innovation, name the question on the minds of all church leaders today. How do we find a new way to be the church in the twenty-first century?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Improve Pastoral Transitions
Pastors moving from one church to the next need to focus on how they can effectively conclude their ministry in the church they are leaving, paving the way for their successor, and on how they can get off to a good start in their next church. 50 Ways to Improve Pastoral Transitions offers tips, strategies, and best practices for these transitions. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Michael Adam Beck and Stephanie Moore Hand
Doing Justice Together
How can a faith community organize itself to combat the sin of racism? In this interview, Michael Adam Beck and Stephanie Moore Hand share a practical framework from their book Doing Justice Together that reimagines discipleship, leadership, and evangelism as tools for change. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Video-based adult Christian study curriculum
Simply Christian: Why Christianity Makes Sense
Presented by Biblical Scholar N. T. Wright
This 10-session study addresses questions of the reasonableness of the Christian faith in the modern world. Simply Christian is an excellent course for both established believers and seekers and is ideal for your congregation’s in-person or online small groups, adult Bible studies, and Sunday School classes. Watch a sample video and learn more now.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Unfortunately, religion is too often weaponized. Wars are waged in the name of religion. People are enslaved and terrorized in the name of religion. If humankind is to thrive, we need to let go of any religion that wounds and kills.” — Jacqui Lewis

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Discover and Dream
»»» Free through June 30, 2024!
Learn to engage your community in new and exciting ways!
With the Discover and Dream online course, your leadership team will reflect on established relationships and consider new partnerships, think outside of the box in terms of ministry, and make use of resources beyond money and so much more. When you finish this course, you will be on a path for vitality that will breathe new life into the congregation! Learn more and enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



May 1, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Preparing to Receive a New Pastor from a Different Racial or Cultural Background
How can a congregation help an incoming pastor from a different racial or cultural background lay the groundwork for successful ministry? The United Methodist General Commission on Religion and Race shares strategies and resources to help congregations and leaders in cross-cultural ministry partnerships begin on the right foot. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 145
Innovating to Build Communities Where All Can Flourish
How can a passion for helping people flourish lead to social innovation? In this episode we speak with K Scarry about social innovation and the ways she is supporting local artists, helping create spaces where everyone can thrive, and more. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

New Pastors Should Make Time to Listen
Sidney Williams writes that a top priority for a new pastor needs to be listening to the stories of congregants to discern needs, learn who the leaders are, and build community. The importance of spending time listening, sharing, laughing, and crying together cannot be overstated. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
In a presentation before a group of clergy and laity, Professor Kenda Creasy Dean asked this question: How has your church become more curious in the past year?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

Support the Lewis Center.

“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Welcome a New Pastor
If a new pastor is in your congregation’s future, be sure to check out 50 Ways to Welcome a New Pastor. This free resource shares tips and strategies for saying goodbye to your current pastor in a healthy way and best practices for welcoming your new pastor. Read now, share, and download free.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Discover and Dream
»»» Free through June 30, 2024!
Learn to engage your community in new and exciting ways!
With the Discover and Dream online course, your leadership team will reflect on established relationships and consider new partnerships, think outside of the box in terms of ministry, and make use of resources beyond money and so much more. When you finish this course, you will be on a path for vitality that will breathe new life into the congregation! Learn more and enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

“Quotable” Leadership
“There is danger in theology when we use it to boost our self-righteousness. We need to realize that sometimes being right can harm people. To follow Jesus, we need to be less concerned with being right than with the harm our theologies cause people.” — Steven Martin

Video-based adult Christian study
Nature: Our First Way of Knowing God
Ideal for summer, this popular seven-session video-based adult Christian study awakens our visceral knowing of the Creator through the creation, reconnects us with the sacred landscapes we call home, encourages us to provide space and time for spiritual reflection in nature, and helps us live in greater harmony with God’s earth. Learn more, watch a video preview, and see sample Study Guide pages now.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



April 24, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Community Transformation and Justice Require More Than Preaching
Community transformation and justice require more than preaching. Kevin Slayton calls preachers to put their faith in action by cultivating relationships and establishing partnerships with people and organizations working for justice in the local community, sharing their prophetic voices by engaging social media platforms, and developing an awareness of the local political process. Read more now.

An Open Letter to Church Leaders from an Unmarried Church Staff Member
What do unmarried individuals in ministry want other church leaders to know about the joys and challenges they encounter? This anonymous open letter shares the experiences and perspectives of a single staff member serving in a church culture slanted toward “marrieds with children.” Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
When speaking to a group of church leaders, a panelist shared a question she uses to make sure new ideas connect to the purpose of the congregation. She responds to an idea with: That’s a good idea. How does it fit with God’s vision for our church?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Discover and Dream
»»» Free through June 30, 2024!
Learn to engage your community in new and exciting ways!
With the Discover and Dream online course, your leadership team will reflect on established relationships and consider new partnerships, think outside of the box in terms of ministry, and make use of resources beyond money and so much more. When you finish this course, you will be on a path for vitality that will breathe new life into the congregation! Learn more and enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

To the Point
Suggestions for Churches with a Single Pastor
Single persons in ministry face a unique set of challenges around maintaining boundaries, privacy, and social connections, particularly if they serve in a congregation that has only been served in the past by married clergy. To the Point: Suggestions for Churches with a Single Pastor describes how congregations and pastors can work together on the “tender balance” between being supportive and allowing privacy. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more To the Point sheets.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi
Trends in Latino Congregations
How are the trends in majority Latino congregations different from those in non-Latino congregations? Jessica Anschutz speaks with Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi about her report Latino Congregations: Trends from the Faith Communities Today (FACT) and Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations (EPIC) Studies. It reveals that while Latino congregations face financial difficulties, a majority have experienced growth or remained stable in recent years. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Book by Doug Powe and Jessica Anschutz
Healing Fractured Communities
Healing Fractured Communities is written by alumni of the Lewis Center Community Leadership Fellows program who are pastoral leaders engaged in the work of renewal, resilience, and resistance in congregations, on college campuses, and in communities. Each chapter paints a picture of the work of healing fractures like racism, education inequality, and/or poverty. Each chapter includes takeaways to inspire healing in your community, and questions for reflection. Proceeds from the sale of the book support the Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. Scholarship Fund. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Unfortunately, religion is too often weaponized. Wars are waged in the name of religion. People are enslaved and terrorized in the name of religion. If humankind is to thrive, we need to let go of any religion that wounds and kills.” — Jacqui Lewis

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



April 17, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Understanding Your Place in Church Conflict
Doug Tzan, a faculty member at Wesley Theological Seminary, explains how critical it is for pastoral leaders to understand their own role in church conflict and be intentional in choosing how to respond. He outlines five strategies to help a leader maintain a helpful presence in the midst of conflict. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 144
Doing Justice Together
How can a faith community organize itself to combat the sin of racism? Michael Adam Beck and Stephanie Moore Hand share with us a practical framework for doing justice together that reimagines discipleship, leadership, and evangelism as tools for change. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

The Challenges and Opportunities of Intergenerational Leadership
Due to longevity, it’s not uncommon for four distinct generations of adults to be vying for leadership within our churches, says Melissa Cooper. She explores how the church can be a place of unity and reconciliation that uses the gifts of every generation. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Robert I. Sutton and Huggy Rao describe a “subtraction game” in which an organization discovers things to eliminate in order to save time and energy for more productive uses. It starts with asking all participants to think about how their organization operates and answer these questions: What adds needless frustration? What scatters your attention? What was once useful but is now in the way?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Discover and Dream
»»» Free through June 30, 2024!
Learn to engage your community in new and exciting ways!
With the Discover and Dream online course, your leadership team will reflect on established relationships and consider new partnerships, think outside of the box in terms of ministry, and make use of resources beyond money and so much more. When you finish this course, you will be on a path for vitality that will breathe new life into the congregation! Learn more and enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

Support the Lewis Center.

“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Children
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.” The church should demonstrate its love for children and its desire to connect with younger families through effective ministry for and with children. Learn how with strategies and tips from 50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Children. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“There is danger in theology when we use it to boost our self-righteousness. We need to realize that sometimes being right can harm people. To follow Jesus, we need to be less concerned with being right than with the harm our theologies cause people.” — Steven Martin

Free video study
Learn to Talk Honestly and Openly about Faith and Race in Your Church
Moving Faith Communities to Fruitful Conversations about Race is a dialogue about race in America and may be used to help your church bring people together to talk about moving forward bravely and boldly in the name of Christ. The study is divided into four 15-minute videos which may be used in one or more sessions. Watch now.

Discover more free Lewis Center videos.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



April 10, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

5 Characteristics of Effective Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma
How would you preach next Sunday if a mass shooting, a natural disaster, or a public health crisis shook your community? Sadly, such events are so common that every preacher needs to be prepared. Preaching professor Kimberly Wagner outlines five characteristics of preaching in the wake of mass trauma that create a safe space for people to lay their experiences and brokenness down before God and one another. Read more now.

Shirley Chisholm’s Applied Christianity
Lovett H. Weems Jr. reflects on the legacy of Shirley Chisholm, the first African American woman to serve in congress. Chisholm was an advocate for justice and equality who called the church to focus on the needs of others. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Research by the Fuller Youth Institute suggests that realistic role models help young people develop faith and character. In Faith Beyond Youth Group (Baker, 2023, 103-104), they suggest questions to help young people identify who has modeled character growth for them. These include: Which teachers, coaches or other adults do you admire most and why? Which peers do you admire and look up to for how they live their lives? How have your parents modeled growth to you? They follow with questions that help youth reflect on the significance and meaning of these models.

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Discover and Dream
Learn to engage your community in new and exciting ways!
With the Discover and Dream online course, your leadership team will reflect on established relationships and consider new partnerships, think outside of the box in terms of ministry, and make use of resources beyond money and so much more. When you finish this course, you will be on a path for vitality that will breathe new life into the congregation! Learn more and enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Take Church to the Community
We can no longer simply open the church doors and expect that new people will come in. Effective congregations go into the world to encounter those in need of the gospel. Learn tips on reaching beyond the walls of your church with worship, community events, ministries, and service. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Mark Elsdon
Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transitions
Is your church facing the difficult decision to sell or repurpose property? This interview with Mark Elsdon, editor of Gone for Good?, focuses on how congregations can resell or repurpose church property in ways that avoids common pitfalls and propels their missions forward. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Book by Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Ann A. Michel
Generosity, Stewardship, and Abundance: A Transformational Guide to Church Finance
This comprehensive guide to Christian financial responsibility presents the Bible’s redeeming and transforming message of generosity, stewardship, and abundance. The book provides practical advice to pastors and church leaders tasked with funding ministry and inspiring others toward responsible stewardship and greater generosity. It addresses church fundraising, stewardship campaigns, budgets, financing capital needs, endowments, and innovative approaches to economic sustainability. Generosity, Stewardship, and Abundance integrates the theological and practical dimensions of finance to empower congregational leaders to think critically about stewardship from a Christian perspective, helping them use their personal and congregational possessions in the light of faith. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

“Quotable” Leadership
“The way we’re sorted into groups does its dividing, blinding work all around us. It’s a simple formula: What’s underrepresented in your communities will be underrepresented in your life and overrepresented in your imagination.” — Mónica Guzmán

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



April 3, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Fresh Hope for Rural Churches
Rural churches are anchors in their communities and can use their property assets to bring new hope to their neighbors. Jennie Birkholz describes how creative partnerships between churches, nonprofits, health systems, and others can respond to critical needs and draw together people who don’t normally interact. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 143
Trends in Latino Congregations
How are the trends in majority Latino congregations different from those in non-Latino congregations? We speak with Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi about her report Latino Congregations: Trends from the Faith Communities Today (FACT) and Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations (EPIC) Studies. It reveals that while Latino congregation face financial difficulties, a majority have experienced growth or remained stable in recent years. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

Intergenerational Ministry for the Post-pandemic Church
Lewis Center Director Doug Powe says siloed age-level ministries often prevent congregations from worshiping together around one common table. But the pandemic provided an opportunity for us to rethink our concepts of place and space and to reimagine what it means for us all to be together. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Julia Binder and Michael D. Watkins suggest that when facing a tough problem, reframing the issue in a broader perspective can help — much as one might “zoom out” on a map to see a larger context in which a place is located. Using four categories developed by Lee Bolman and Terrence Deal, they offer these sets of questions: Structural — How is the issue related to our formal structure, processes, and policies? Human Resources — How does the issue impact people, relationships, and teamwork? Political — How does the issue relate to power dynamics, competing interests, and patterns of influence? Symbolic — How does the issue relate to our traditions, stories, shared values, and culture?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
What is God’s Vision for Your Congregation?
Discovering God’s Future for Your Church is a turnkey tool kit to help your congregation discern and implement God’s vision for its future. This comprehensive resource guides your church in discovering clues to your vision in your history and culture, your current congregational strengths and weaknesses, and the needs of your surrounding community. Discovering God’s Future for Your Church includes engaging videos, leader’s guides, discussion exercises, planning tools, handouts, diagrams, worksheets, and more. Learn more and watch an introductory video now.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

To the Point
Doing Community Ministry in the Small Church
How can a small congregation engage the community in a significant way? With the right approach, a small church can make a big impact in the world through partnerships, creative use of resources, and a focus on relational ministry. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more To the Point sheets.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Nostalgia never had a vote at our board meetings, but it always had a veto.” — Rabbi Elan Babchuck

Book by Tom Berlin and Lovett H. Weems Jr.
High Yield: Seven Disciplines of the Fruitful Leader
This vital resource to leaders consists of a series of short chapters on leadership practices the authors have found most fruitful in their leadership and what they’ve seen exemplified in others. While many of these practices are common among diverse leaders, their implementation is as unique as the leaders themselves. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



March 27, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Quiet Acts of Strategic Resistance Open a Congregation to its Neighbors
Laura Heikes, pastor of a predominantly Anglo congregation in a Texas border town, shares how her congregation became more present to the people and culture of the surrounding community. Several small but strategic “acts of resistance” challenging dominant cultural norms were the first steps in a process of renewal aimed at transforming her church from a “rich white church” to a church that is truly for all. Read more now.

Free in-person workshop in Washington, DC
Conflict Intervention Workshop for Pastors
Attend a free in-person, interactive one-day workshop on constructive conflict intervention designed for pastors. You will be introduced to conflict styles, components of conflict, active listening, conflict analysis, and dialog facilitation.

Thursday, April 4, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | In person at Wesley Theological Seminary
4500 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20016
Limited to 25 participants
The workshop is free, but lunch is $10. If you have any dietary restrictions, please register before the end of Monday, April 2.
Learn more and register now.

How Best to Use Overflow Worship Space on Easter
Tom Berlin describes strategies for encouraging your regular attenders to worship in overflow spaces outside the sanctuary when additional seating is needed on Easter so that visitors will feel welcome and have a quality worship experience. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
In his book How to Know a Person, columnist David Brooks recounts many conversations he has had with a wide range of people over the years. To understand a place and what is going on, the key is to identify the right people to interview. The two questions he uses are: Who is trusted around here? Who makes this place run?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Be the Welcoming Church
Learn best practices for building welcoming worship, church buildings, congregations, websites, and more with Be the Welcoming Church. This study includes engaging videos and a Study and Discussion Guide providing scriptures, introductory information, discussion questions, and prayers to structure a group conversation. Learn more and watch introductory videos now.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

Free video resource
Why Community Engagement Matters
The most vital congregations always do two things: connect people with God and connect with their communities. Learn about the latter in this five-minute video as Lovett H. Weems Jr. provides an overview of the importance of community engagement to your church. Watch now on YouTube.

Discover more free Lewis Center videos.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Tony Hunt
Transformational Leadership for Urban Ministries
How can church leaders address the challenges of urban ministry in a transformative way? Doug Powe speaks with Tony Hunt, a pastor and scholar, about reading a community well, identifying assets, and the importance of understanding your ministry context. Learn how to develop the transformative qualities of effective leadership. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more. Watch now.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Heroism is neither being perfect, nor doing something spectacular. In fact, it’s just the opposite: it’s regular, flawed human beings choosing to put others before themselves, even at great cost, even if no one will ever know, even as they realize the walls might be closing in around them.” — Heather Cox Richardson

Book by Lovett H. Weems Jr. and Tom Berlin
Overflow: Increase Worship Attendance & Bear More Fruit
Worship attendance matters. In Overflow, Lovett Weems and Tom Berlin share research-based insights, tactical ideas, and practices that lead to increased attendance. They instruct church leaders on the importance of paying attention to factors critical to worship growth and demonstrate new approaches to worship planning. Learn more now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



March 20, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Risking Experiments for God’s Reign
Where is God’s movement taking place in new ways for new times? Cherished narratives, programs, language, and structures are no longer producing the fruit associated with them during past eras. Lovett Weems says innovation is possible if church leaders challenge the assumptions behind what we are doing because they no longer match the current reality. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 142
Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transitions
Is your church facing the difficult decision to sell or repurpose property? We speak with Mark Elsdon, editor of “Gone for Good?”, about how a congregation can pursue creative uses of church property in a way that avoids common pitfalls and propels their mission forward. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

10 Policies Your Church Should Consider
Ken Sloane, a stewardship expert at Discipleship Ministries, outlines ten policies for institutional trust and financial integrity that reduce confusion and conflict while at the same time encourage generosity to support your mission and responsible use of congregational resources. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Good leaders listen a lot, and often the stories they hear deal with loss. Mary Clark Moschella teaches pastoral care and stresses the importance of asking the right questions in such situations. After active listening to the story of loss, she suggests using questions such as: How did you manage to keep going? What resources did you draw upon? How have you coped with this spiritually?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Keeping Our Sacred Trust online ethics training
Assuring Financial Integrity

Learn practices to prevent fraud and financial misconduct in your church.

For pastors, church staff, finance committee members, church treasurers, financial secretaries, counters or tellers, bookkeepers, church secretaries, seminarians, and all others with responsibility for handling church funds.

Though one in 10 Protestant churches experiences some type of embezzlement, most leaders assume that fraud will never occur in their church. And they are caught off guard when it does. Protect your congregation with Assuring Financial Integrity. This online course from the Keeping Our Sacred Trust ethics training series explores issues of maintaining financial integrity and preventing fraud in congregational settings. Learn more, watch an introductory video, and enroll now.

Discover other online courses from the Keeping Our Sacred Trust series.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Welcome New People this Easter Season
Easter is coming, and that means church visitors! Learn how your congregation can make a good first impression with first-time guests with “50 Ways to Welcome New People.” This free resource provides strategies and tips to ensure your visitors feel truly welcome and at home in worship, plus guidance on visitor follow-ups and ways to be more inviting in your church. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Building and Funding Your Capital Budget
Learn best practices to build and fund your capital budget.
Your capital budget isn’t just about facilities — it’s about using your facilities to further your church’s mission. Building and Funding Your Capital Budget helps you understand what a capital budget is, how to engage the big questions about your church, and how to assess your current situation. No matter your church size, this resource provides clues and wisdom to help your capital budget advance your mission and accomplish God’s vision for your congregation. Learn more now.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Classism and racism have been compounded together in a crucible so it’s hard to know where one starts and where one stops.” — Henry Louis Gates Jr.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, “The Right Start” Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



March 13, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

10 Essential Ways Leaders Build Relationships with Their Team Members
Dan Reiland says investing in relationships is the make-or-break factor that determines the success of your leadership. He provides ten helpful tips for interacting with others that will help nurture positive relationships that will keep things running smoothly. Read more now.

A Growing Church Understands the Interconnection between Discipleship and Evangelism
Rev. Dr. Michael L. Henderson Sr. describes how a church he planted grew to over 7,000 members through an intentional process for developing disciples grounded in the core belief that discipleship and evangelism are organically interconnected. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Churches and their leaders deal with good ideas, suggestions, and proposals that are filled with the best of intentions. Sometimes there are flaws in the logic behind the cause-and-effect assumptions imbedded in these proposals. Virtually all proposals recommend that the church do x in order for y to happen. Therefore, one question that can help test the logic of the proposal is: How do you know?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, “The Right Start” Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.

Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

Free video
Why Worship Attendance Matters and Clues for Improving It
To help you reach new disciples, this free Lewis Center video by Lovett H. Weems Jr. provides an overview of why worship attendance is important and ways you can improve it. Watch now.

Discover more free Lewis Center videos.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Brad Griffin
Helping Youth Form a Lasting Faith
How can your youth ministry cultivate a faith that stays with a young person as they mature through adulthood? Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff speaks with Brad Griffin of the Fuller Youth Institute about five compass points that can guide an impactful youth ministry. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Welcome a New Pastor
If a new pastor is in your congregation’s future, be sure to check out “50 Ways to Welcome a New Pastor.” This free resource shares tips and strategies for saying goodbye to your current pastor in a healthy way and best practices for welcoming your new pastor. Read now, share, and download free.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Once we see relationship as the organizing principle of the universe, we begin to accept one another as legitimate human beings. This is when, as Martin Buber said, we begin to see ourselves and others in an I and Thou relationship.” — Joseph Jaworski

Book by Doug Powe and Jasmine Smothers
Not Safe for Church: Ten Commandments for Reaching New Generations
Congregations say they want to reach new and younger people. In “Not Safe for Church,” the authors provide ways to help churches move from just saying what they intend to do to actually doing it. This book provides tools to help congregations reframe the Good News in nontraditional ways plus study questions for church leadership teams. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



March 6, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

5 Delegation Lessons for Church Leaders
A balanced delegation of tasks may necessitate doing fewer activities and doing better discipleship training. Drawing on his own experience, Karl Vaters offers five delegation lessons for church leaders including: leave guilt at the door, adapt to suit your size, stop activities that are without leadership, do nothing without two leaders, and assess and hone your delegation skills. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 141
Transformational Leadership for Urban Ministries
How can church leaders address the challenges of urban ministry in a transformative way? We speak with pastor and scholar Tony Hunt about reading a community well, identifying assets, and the importance of understanding your ministry context. He shares with us how to develop the transformative qualities of effective leadership. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

5 Ways to Help Church Staff Succeed
How can your congregation help those in paid staff roles perform most effectively? Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff outlines five ways to clarify expectations and help church staff develop their professional skills. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Over the course of a year, a congregation will provide a range of ongoing or one-time efforts to engage members and newcomers. Dan Pezet suggests that churches look back over all these efforts and ask these questions: Which initiative generated the most excitement in the church? Which initiative generated the most community support and participation? Was there an initiative that just felt natural to the church?
Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Leading Like Nehemiah: Rebuilding Together
Available as both a self-paced online course and video-based study for groups
Church leaders have always looked to scripture for wisdom on how to fulfill their callings. Leading Like Nehemiah: Rebuilding Together lifts up key themes in Nehemiah’s witness that can inspire and guide faith leaders today.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

Easter Resources
For helpful ideas on celebrating Easter in your church, check out these relevant Leading Ideas articles: 4 Ways to Make Easter Hospitality the Pattern for the Year; Palms in the Park on Palm Sunday; Thanking God It’s Good Friday: Intergenerational Children’s Ministry; How Best to Use Overflow Worship Space on Easter; and more. Explore the Easter archives now.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Book by F. Douglas Powe Jr. and Henry H. Knight III
Transforming Evangelism: The Wesleyan Way of Sharing Faith
Traditional views of evangelism are often intimidating and push the limits of personal comfort, leaving the job of reaching out to new and searching Christians to the professionals — the clergy of the church. Doug Powe and Henry Knight show how this basic misunderstanding is contrary to John Wesley’s view of evangelism, which he understood as a complete circle. Learn more and order now.

“Quotable” Leadership
“I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions.” — Dorothy Day

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
The Right Start: Beginning Ministry in a New Setting
If you’re a pastor preparing to begin ministry in a new setting, The Right Start Video Tool Kit leads you in ending your current ministry well, developing a personal transition plan, and making the most of your first days, weeks, and months in your new congregation. Available in Pastor’s and Group Training Versions. Learn more and watch a video preview.
Discover more video tool kit resources plus adult Christian studies.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



February 28, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

8 Strategies for Reaching and Developing Gen Z
How can congregations build meaningful connections with young adults? Brandi Nicole Williams, Director for the African American Church Evangelism Institute, offers eight practical strategies for bridging the generational gap and fostering relationships with Gen Z to build a more relevant church community. Read more now.

5 Compass Points Guide Character Formation and Lifelong Discipleship for Youth
The Fuller Youth Institute’s “Faith Beyond Youth Group” research initiative explored character as the vehicle for both faith longevity and faith vibrancy throughout the week. Their research yielded five compass points to guide the formation of character in young people — cultivating trust, modeling growth, teaching for transformation, practicing together, and making meaning. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Clergy and lay church leaders regularly give presentations, whether sermons or reports. Roman Catholic priest Michael White suggests a question that may give great discipline and direction to such presentations. In one sentence, can you tell your congregation (or other group) what you want them to know and what you want them to do?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

LPLI Helps Good Church Leaders Become Better Church Leaders
LPLI Pastor Version | LPLI Staff Version
LPLI is a confidential, online, 360º leadership assessment inventory designed to help those working in the church identify individual strengths and weaknesses in order to improve their ministry effectiveness. LPLI users receive a personalized leadership profile report that can be used for self-discovery, discussing their results with others, setting goals for improvement, and tracking progress over time. For institutions with groups of members using the inventory, a customized aggregate report can be prepared for group leaders. Learn more now.

Free video and downloads
Planned Giving: What Every Church Can and Should Do
Learn simple steps that any church can take to encourage legacy giving. Includes links to the free downloads “26 Things Churches and Pastors Can Do to Encourage Bequests” and “Sample Messages for Your Church.” Watch now.

Discover more free Lewis Center videos.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Doug Powe and Jessica Anschutz
Healing Fractured Communities
How can congregational leaders be healers and agitators at the same time? In this in-depth interview, Doug Powe and Jessica Anschutz reflect on the new book Healing Fractured Communities and the stories of pastoral leaders engaged in the work of renewal, resilience, and resistance in congregations, on college campuses, and in communities. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Youth
How can your church help youth claim a vital faith? No question is more critical to the future of the church. Learn effective tips your congregation can use to improve ministry with teens and their families in 50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Youth. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

“Quotable” Leadership
“If changes need to be made in how the organization is run, try to build on existing cultural strengths rather than attempting to change those elements that may be weaknesses.” — Edgar H. Schein

New book by Doug Powe and Jessica Anschutz
Healing Fractured Communities
Healing Fractured Communities is written by alumni of the Lewis Center Community Fellows program who are pastoral leaders engaged in the work of renewal, resilience, and resistance in congregations, on college campuses, and in communities. Each chapter paints a picture of the work of healing fractures like racism, education inequality, and/or poverty. Each chapter includes takeaways to inspire healing in your community, and questions for reflection. Proceeds from the sale of the book support the Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. Scholarship Fund. Learn more and order now.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



February 21, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Is Voting the Best Way to Make Collective Decisions in the Church?
Voting is part of the organizational culture of many congregations. But it can create winners and losers, leaving a bad taste in people’s mouths. While there are times when voting is necessary and even desirable, churches should consider, explore, and adopt other methods of collective decision-making whenever possible, according to Mary Gladstone-Highland, Katy Stokes, and Christina Wichert, authors of a new book on reducing conflict in churches. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 140
New Approaches to Help Youth Form Lasting Faith
How can your youth ministry cultivate a faith that stays with a young person as they mature through adulthood? We speak with Brad Griffin of the Fuller Youth Institute about five compass points that can guide an impactful youth ministry. The approach emphasizes building trust and relationships while teaching in transformative and experiential ways that help young people make meaning of their faith and life experiences. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

3 Strategies for Doing Church Online
Heidi Campbell, who has studied online churches since the early days of the internet, describes three online church strategies that emerged during the pandemic. The most common strategies mirror or modify the aspects of normal worship. But she sees the greatest promise in strategies that reimagine worship to take advantage of the unique possibilities of digital technology. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Dr. Jacqueline Lewis, pastor of Middle Collegiate Church in New York City, suggests we think of life as a story in progress. Some of her suggested questions include: If your life were a book, what is the title of the book? What’s the title of the current chapter? What are the titles of the chapters that got you here? What do you want the end of your story — the last chapter — to be titled? What chapters do you need to “write” to get to that final chapter?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Courses begin May 2024
Apply by February 29 for Doctor of Ministry Tracks from Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center for Church Leadership

Howard Thurman: Prophetic Witness
What does it mean for a leader to stand in the gap between the way things are and what they could be? Howard Thurman’s prophetic witness exemplified this form of leadership. Thurman did not demonize those responsible for systemic ills. Instead, he emphasized a positive vision of the way things could be. This track of doctoral study focuses on the power of a prophetic witness like Thurman’s to draw people toward a positive new future. Learn more and apply now.

Church Leadership Excellence
With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to lead churches to increased service, vitality, and growth. Church Leadership Excellence focuses on the personal development and public practices of those called to lead the church toward the vision of God’s reign. Learn more and apply now.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Youth
How can your church help youth claim a vital faith? No question is more critical to the future of the church. Learn effective tips your congregation can use to improve ministry with teens and their families in 50 Ways to Strengthen Ministry with Youth. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Keeping Our Sacred Trust online ethics training
Assuring Financial Integrity

Learn practices to prevent fraud and financial misconduct in your church.

For pastors, church staff, finance committee members, church treasurers, financial secretaries, counters or tellers, bookkeepers, church secretaries, seminarians, and all others with responsibility for handling church funds.

Though one in 10 Protestant churches experiences some type of embezzlement, most leaders assume that fraud will never occur in their church. And they are caught off guard when it does. Protect your congregation with Assuring Financial Integrity. This online course from the Keeping Our Sacred Trust ethics training series explores issues of maintaining financial integrity and preventing fraud in congregational settings. Learn more, watch an introductory video, and enroll now.

Discover other online courses from the Keeping Our Sacred Trust series.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Young people have a remarkable ability to look at the world as it is, envision the world as it could be, and fight to bring our vision for a better world into action.” — Chloe Maxmim and Canyon Woodward

Healing Fractured Communities
Healing Fractured Communities is written by alumni of the Lewis Center Community Fellows program who are pastoral leaders engaged in the work of renewal, resilience, and resistance in congregations, on college campuses, and in communities. Each chapter paints a picture of the work of healing fractures like racism, education inequality, and/or poverty. Each chapter includes takeaways to inspire healing in your community, and questions for reflection. Proceeds from the sale of the book support the Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. Scholarship Fund. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



February 14, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Build Resilience. Reduce Burnout.
Are you feeling underchallenged, neglected, or overloaded? Diane Owen shares three pillars that provide the fuel to avert these three types of burnout. She offers practical ways to make small changes to avoid the downward spiral toward burnout. Read more now.

7 Strategies to Thrive as a Single Person in Ministry
What are the opportunities, joys, and challenges for single persons in vocational ministry? Kevin E. Lawson and Jane Carr conducted focus groups and interviews with 45 single church staff members to answer these questions. They share seven ways unmarried staff can thrive in ministry. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Mónica Guzmán works with people having polarized views to help them communicate across their differences to foster greater understanding. She says if there is one question people should ask far more often than we do, it would be: What am I missing?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Online courses from the Lewis Center
Protect Your Congregation and Your Ministry with Online Sexual Ethics and Boundary Training for Pastors
The Lewis Center’s Keeping Our Sacred Trust boundary training program offers two online courses to help prevent clergy sexual misconduct: “Understanding Clergy Sexual Ethics” and “Maintaining Boundaries in a Digital Age.” Both courses are confidential, ecumenical, and refreshed for 2023. Each course is $49 and includes .5 CEU credits. Learn more and enroll now. 

To the Point
Metrics Should Be a Tool for Learning, Not Judging
The current focus on setting numerical goals for ministry and reporting results is not new, though now greatly expanded. In the past, virtually all goals churches set related to money. Today the same attention is being given to people categories, but the concept is the same. Lovett H. Weems Jr. explains the advantage and pitfalls. Read, share, and download free now.

Discover tips and strategies on more To the Point sheets.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Kimberly Wagner
Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma
How would you preach next Sunday if tomorrow your community fell victim to a mass shooting or was devastated by a natural disaster? Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff interviews Princeton Preaching Professor Kimberly Wagner on approaching this increasingly unavoidable homiletical task in ways that hold in tension loss and grief and the promise of God’s healing and redemption. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Healing Fractured Communities
Healing Fractured Communities is written by alumni of the Lewis Center Community Fellows program who are pastoral leaders engaged in the work of renewal, resilience, and resistance in congregations, on college campuses, and in communities. Each chapter paints a picture of the work of healing fractures like racism, education inequality, and/or poverty. Each chapter includes takeaways to inspire healing in your community, and questions for reflection. Proceeds from the sale of the book support the Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. Scholarship Fund. Learn more and order now.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Almost always the right road is the one we find difficult to take.” — Francois Mauriac, The Lamb

The Doctor of Ministry — Howard Thurman: Prophetic Witness
Apply by February 15 for May 2024.
What does it mean for a leader to stand in the gap between the way things are and what they could be? Howard Thurman’s prophetic witness exemplified this form of leadership. Thurman did not demonize those responsible for systemic ills. Instead, he emphasized a positive vision of the way things could be. This track of doctoral study from Wesley Theological Seminary focuses on the power of a prophetic witness like Thurman’s to draw people toward a positive new future. Learn more and apply today for May 2024.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



February 7, 2024

Leading Ideas from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Restoring Trust in the Institutional Church Requires Allegiance to Our True Purpose
Gil Rendle says all institutions eventually gravitate from serving their stated purposes to satisfying powerful institutional constituencies. The current deep mistrust of the institutional church is fueled by the fact that we focus more on our own people, clergy, resources, and rules than on our true, lifegiving mission. Trust can only be restored when leaders have the courage and capacity to help our churches do what we were created to do. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 139
Healing Fractured Communities
How can congregational leaders be both healers and agitators at the same time, especially given our fractured landscape and the diversity of contexts where congregations exist? Doug Powe and Jessica Anschutz reflect on the book Healing Fractured Communities and the stories of pastoral leader engaged in the work of renewal, resilience, and resistance in congregations, on college campuses, and in communities. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

5 Addictions the Church Must Overcome to Grow in the Future
Carey Nieuwhof explains that churches must respond to a culture that has become even more digital, mobile, and home-centered since the COVID-19 crisis. He predicts growing churches will focus less on place-based ministry and packed rooms and will adjust budgets and attitudes to fit a new reality. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
In working toward greater diversity and equity, leaders may use questions for group discussion to help surface unspoken assumptions affecting participants’ attitudes and actions. Examples used in one inclusion instrument are: What messages did I receive when I was growing up about different races and ethnicities? What messages did I receive about other dimensions of diversity? How might these messages be influencing how I see the world?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Increase Worship Attendance
Worship attendance is vital to the mission of the church. Our free “50 Ways” tip sheet provides practical strategies to help you invite new people to attend worship; improve the attendance of current members; make your church visible and attractive; welcome worship guests warmly; and make worship accessible to newcomers. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

Healing Fractured Communities
Healing Fractured Communities is written by alumni of the Lewis Center Community Fellows program who are pastoral leaders engaged in the work of renewal, resilience, and resistance in congregations, on college campuses, and in communities. Each chapter paints a picture of the work of healing fractures like racism, education inequality, and/or poverty. Each chapter includes takeaways to inspire healing in your community, and questions for reflection. Proceeds from the sale of the book support the Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. Scholarship Fund. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Building and Funding Your Capital Budget
Learn best practices to build and fund your capital budget.
Your capital budget isn’t just about facilities — it’s about using your facilities to further your church’s mission. Building and Funding Your Capital Budget helps you understand what a capital budget is, how to engage the big questions about your church, and how to assess your current situation. No matter your church size, this resource provides clues and wisdom to help your capital budget advance your mission and accomplish God’s vision for your congregation. Learn more now.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Young people have a remarkable ability to look at the world as it is, envision the world as it could be, and fight to bring our vision for a better world into action.” — Chloe Maxmim and Canyon Woodward

The Doctor of Ministry — Howard Thurman: Prophetic Witness
Apply by February 15 for May 2024.
What does it mean for a leader to stand in the gap between the way things are and what they could be? Howard Thurman’s prophetic witness exemplified this form of leadership. Thurman did not demonize those responsible for systemic ills. Instead, he emphasized a positive vision of the way things could be. This track of doctoral study from Wesley Theological Seminary focuses on the power of a prophetic witness like Thurman’s to draw people toward a positive new future. Learn more and apply today for May 2024.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of Leading Ideas!

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



January 31, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

New Possibilities for Engaging Ministry Participants and Leaders
Ann Michel of the Lewis Center staff says that churches need to think outside the box when seeking to involve new people in ministry and leadership. Church membership or even church attendance should no longer be the assumed starting point in the process. Read more now.

5 Tips for Pastors on Using AI
What is artificial intelligence (AI) and how can it enhance your ministry? Josh Burnett offers five things pastors need to know about AI. He also shares some ideas for using AI to strengthen your ministry so that you can spend more time cultivating relationships with the congregation and the community. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Rich Birch suggests three questions church leaders should be asking: What things that worked at one point are no longer working? What are we doing that needs to be refreshed? What new things do we need to consider adding?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Healing Fractured Communities
Healing Fractured Communities is written by alumni of the Lewis Center Community Fellows program who are pastoral leaders engaged in the work of renewal, resilience, and resistance in congregations, on college campuses, and in communities. Each chapter paints a picture of the work of healing fractures like racism, education inequality, and/or poverty. Each chapter includes takeaways to inspire healing in your community, and questions for reflection. Proceeds from the sale of the book support the Dr. Lovett H. Weems Jr. Scholarship Fund. Learn more and order now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Multiply Your Church’s Leadership Capacity
How can you best support and affirm existing leaders? Help new leaders in your church get started? More effectively invite people to be leaders? Make meetings matter? Learn the answers to these questions and more in 50 Ways to Multiply Your Church’s Leadership Capacity. Read now, share, and download free.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-depth interview with Katie Phillips
Improv Church: The Power of Connection
How can an improv comedy show explore the intersection of faith and real life in community? Doug Powe and Katie Phillips talk about how Improv Church offers creative ways for engaging people in worship. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
World Religions: Passionately Christian and Compassionately Interreligious
Course begins February 12.
“World Religions” helps cultivate a missional presence that is passionately Christian as well as compassionately interreligious. You will learn how to graciously encounter and understand the various religious beliefs and practices of our neighbors. Then explore how you can think about Christian mission in such an interreligious world. Enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

“Quotable” Leadership
“The single biggest fueler of the rapid growth in those claiming no religious affiliation is nonversion: that is, the propensity of people brought up with a religious affiliation to lose it and, having done so, to feel little need to acquire another.” — Stephen Bullivant

The Doctor of Ministry — Howard Thurman: Prophetic Witness
Apply by February 15 for May 2024.
What does it mean for a leader to stand in the gap between the way things are and what they could be? Howard Thurman’s prophetic witness exemplified this form of leadership. Thurman did not demonize those responsible for systemic ills. Instead, he emphasized a positive vision of the way things could be. This track of doctoral study from Wesley Theological Seminary focuses on the power of a prophetic witness like Thurman’s to draw people toward a positive new future. Learn more and apply today for May 2024.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



January 24, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

5 Things You Need to Know about Donors who are Retired
What do church financial leaders need to know when discussing generosity with retirees? Stewardship expert Ken Sloane shares five considerations that might shape a recent retiree’s mindset when it comes to sharing their treasure and their time. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 138
Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma
How would you preach next Sunday if tomorrow your community fell victim to a mass shooting or was devastated by a natural disaster? Preaching Professor Kimberly Wagner shares how pastors can approach this increasingly unavoidable homiletical task in ways that hold in tension the community’s very real experiences of loss and grief and the promise of God’s healing and redemption. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

5 Reasons Churches Suffer Management Chaos
Focused on ministry, churches often give too little attention to organizational management. Church consultant Rich Sider outlines five common management problems that can result in confusion and conflict. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
Robert D. Putnam asked this question of religion in general, but the question may be appropriate for a congregation. Perhaps you want to add some other societal changes to those he names. How has religion engaged three major trends in American society: the revolution in women’s rights, rising income inequality, and growing ethnic and racial diversity?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

The Doctor of Ministry — Howard Thurman: Prophetic Witness
Apply by February 15 for May 2024.
What does it mean for a leader to stand in the gap between the way things are and what they could be? Howard Thurman’s prophetic witness exemplified this form of leadership. Thurman did not demonize those responsible for systemic ills. Instead, he emphasized a positive vision of the way things could be. This track of doctoral study from Wesley Theological Seminary focuses on the power of a prophetic witness like Thurman’s to draw people toward a positive new future. Learn more and apply today for May 2024.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now.

50 Ways tip sheet
50 Ways to Encourage Faithful Giving
Helping people experience the joy of giving is more than a way of funding the church’s ministry. These 50 ways of encouraging faithful giving will help your church members grow in discipleship through faithful stewardship and extravagant generosity. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more 50 Ways topics.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
World Religions: Passionately Christian and Compassionately Interreligious
This course helps cultivate a missional presence that is passionately Christian as well as compassionately interreligious. You will learn how to graciously encounter and understand the various religious beliefs and practices of our neighbors. Then explore how you can think about Christian mission in such an interreligious world. The course begins February 12. Enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Bridges are built when two people develop authentic connections across their differences—when they can express their thoughts, beliefs, assumptions, ideas, emotions, and so on to each other in a relationship characterized by trust, empathy, vulnerability, and risk-taking.” — Tina Opie and Beth A. Livingston

Book by Douglas F. Powe Jr.
The Adept Church: Navigating Between a Rock and a Hard Place
“The Adept Church” helps congregations develop realistic road maps for navigating between a “rock and a hard place” with a clear process for defining reality — a process based on strategic decisions concerning where the church needs to go and not where it is currently. This theologically grounded yet practical guide is for church leaders seeking to save their churches. Learn more and order now.

Discover more books from Lewis Center authors.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



January 17, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Twenty-Five Percent of Churches Disaffiliated from the United Methodist Church
The Lewis Center has issued a final report on disaffiliating churches in the United Methodist Church covering 7,631 churches approved by annual conferences for disaffiliation by December 31, 2023. There continue to be more similarities than differences between the cohort of disaffiliating churches and the total pool of United Methodist churches. Disaffiliating churches are disproportionately in the Southeastern (50 percent) and South Central (21 percent) jurisdictions. Conferences with 30 percent or more churches disaffiliating are highlighted here. Read more now. 

Some Questions for Further Research from the Disaffiliation Process
The recent disaffiliation process in the United Methodist Church leaves in its wake grief, hope, and many unanswered questions regarding the impact of prior unifications, the impact of clergy and judicatory leaders in the process, and the various motivations for disaffiliation. Lovett H. Weems of the Lewis Center staff raises some of these significant questions and identifies areas where qualitative research is needed as the church strives to move faithfully into the future. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
To provide effective support for staff and volunteer leaders, it is helpful to ask: What are the stumbling blocks that make it more difficult for you to accomplish your work?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

New online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
Journey through the Psalms
This self-paced online course takes an in-depth look at the Book of Psalms — the ancient prayerbook of both the synagogue and the Christian church. Participants will study the scriptures meaningfully, consider how the arts can illuminate its dimensions, and explore the many interesting and wonderfully strange ways that the Psalms shape our lives and inform our worship. The course is $35 and offers 0.5 CEU credits. Enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

In-Depth Interview with Lydia Bucklin
Embracing Mutual Ministry
How can your congregation function as a community of ministers rather than a community gathered around a single minister? Lydia Bucklin of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Michigan explains the Mutual Ministry Initiative and how this approach to shared ministry is flourishing among smaller churches in the Upper Pennisula of Michigan. Read more now.

Discover many more in-depth interviews.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

To the Point
Learn to Craft Better Financial Commitment Messages
Many churches have a one-size-fits-all approach to their stewardship appeal. Everyone in the congregation receives the same “Dear Friend” letter inviting them to prayerfully offer up their tithe to the church for the coming year. While this approach is simple and easy to execute, it’s generally not the most effective or meaningful way to communicate with people about their giving. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more To the Point sheets.

“Quotable” Leadership
“A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.” — Rosabeth Moss Kanter

The Doctor of Ministry — Howard Thurman: Prophetic Witness
Apply by February 15 for May 2024.
What does it mean for a leader to stand in the gap between the way things are and what they could be? Howard Thurman’s prophetic witness exemplified this form of leadership. Thurman did not demonize those responsible for systemic ills. Instead, he emphasized a positive vision of the way things could be. This track of doctoral study from Wesley Theological Seminary focuses on the power of a prophetic witness like Thurman’s to draw people toward a positive new future. Learn more and apply today for May 2024.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



January 10, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Leaders Help Their Communities Dream Big Dreams
Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech proposed a big dream for what America can become. What big dreams do you have for your congregation and community? Lewis Center Director Doug Powe shares four key characteristics of big dreams that propel us toward a future shaped by participating in God’s transforming work. Read more now.

Leading Ideas Talks Podcast — Episode 137
Improv Church: The Power of Connection
How can an improv comedy show explore the intersection of faith and real life in community? In this engaging episode, we speak with Katie Phillips about how Improv Church offers creative ways for engaging people in worship. Listen now, read transcript, and watch on YouTube.

The Mutual Benefits of Church-School Partnerships
Jake McGlothin, author of The Mission-Minded Guide to Church and School Partnerships, says it’s only logical that the two most important social institutions in our society should work together. He outlines what churches can share with schools as well as how engagement with schools can positively impact a congregation. Read more now.

The Right Question Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
When your congregation is wanting to contribute to the solution of a community issue, one early question is crucial: How can we leverage the power of partnerships with other organizations that share our concern?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
Engaging Local Schools
Schoolchildren, parents, and teachers across the country are in need of supplies, meals, tutoring, and support. This video tool kit resource guides your congregation in discerning a vision for a school partnership that responds to the needs present in your neighborhood and utilizes the unique gifts your church has to offer. Learn more and watch introductory videos now.

Discover more video tool kit resources and adult Christian studies.

Support the Lewis Center.
“Leading Ideas” is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

Free video study
Learn to Talk Honestly and Openly about Faith and Race in Your Church
“Moving Faith Communities to Fruitful Conversations about Race” is a dialogue about race in America and may be used to help your church bring people together to talk about moving forward bravely and boldly in the name of Christ. The study is divided into four 15-minute videos which may be used in one or more sessions. Watch now.

Discover more free Lewis Center videos.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

NEW online course from Wesley Pathways for Ministry
World Religions: Passionately Christian and Compassionately Interreligious
This course helps cultivate a missional presence that is passionately Christian as well as compassionately interreligious. You will learn how to graciously encounter and understand the various religious beliefs and practices of our neighbors. Then explore how you can think about Christian mission in such an interreligious world. Enroll now at Wesley Pathways for Ministry.

Discover more Wesley Pathways for Ministry courses and certificate programs.

“Quotable” Leadership
“The situation within this morally compromised American church is a scandal … in its historical theological sense — as a lack of integrity by the people of God that serves as a “stumbling block” to the world seeing Christ for who he is, the gospel for what it is.” — Russell Moore

The Doctor of Ministry — Howard Thurman: Prophetic Witness
Apply today for May 2024.
What does it mean for a leader to stand in the gap between the way things are and what they could be? Howard Thurman’s prophetic witness exemplified this form of leadership. Thurman did not demonize those responsible for systemic ills. Instead, he emphasized a positive vision of the way things could be. This track of doctoral study from Wesley Theological Seminary focuses on the power of a prophetic witness like Thurman’s to draw people toward a positive new future. Learn more and apply today for May 2024.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary



January 3, 2024

“Leading Ideas” from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

7 Trends Impacting Church Leadership for 2024
Ann Michel, Doug Powe, and Jessica Anschutz of the Lewis Center staff identify seven trends church leaders should keep in mind as they develop creative ministries to reach new people in 2024. Many of these trends are daunting, reflecting the long-term decline in worship attendance and the increasing percentage of Americans who claim no religious affiliation. But there are also glimmers of hope in giving trends, in the emergence of new, more nimble, often smaller, models of ministry, and in the expanding opportunities for laypersons to minister in meaningful ways. Read more now.

3 Ways to Listen Well
Effective leaders are skilled listeners. C. Kavin Rowe offers three practices that center on developing our attention and improving our ability to listen. Read more now.

The Right Question — Leaders do not need answers. Leaders must have the right questions.
One church staff begins their weekly meetings with at least one member responding to this question: Where have you seen our ministry make a specific impact on someone’s life recently?

Want more Right Questions? Read “Right Questions for Church Leaders.” 

The Doctor of Ministry — Howard Thurman: Prophetic Witness
“In a world that is all about drawing attention to one’s self, a prophetic witness moves us toward a new reality grounded in God’s grace.”
Apply today for May 2024.
What does it mean for a leader to stand in the gap between the way things are and what they could be? Howard Thurman’s prophetic witness exemplified this form of leadership. Thurman did not demonize those responsible for systemic ills. Instead, he emphasized a positive vision of the way things could be. This track of doctoral study from Wesley Theological Seminary focuses on the power of a prophetic witness like Thurman’s to draw people toward a positive new future. Learn more and apply today for May 2024.

Support the Lewis Center.
Leading Ideas is made possible by contributions to the Lewis Center for Church Leadership from readers like you. Thank you. Donate now. 

To the Point
Unclutter Your Church Now
Revitalizing congregations must strip away some of the vestiges of the past to make space for the new amidst decades of physical and emotional clutter. “To the Point: Unclutter Your Church Now” helps congregations unshackle from the weight of clutter and disorganization. Read now, download free, and share.

Discover tips and strategies on more To the Point sheets.

Watch. Learn. Lead. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video podcast episodes, leadership strategies and tips, free video resources, and much more.

Lewis Center video tool kit resource
What is God’s Vision for Your Congregation?
“Discovering God’s Future for Your Church” is a turnkey tool kit to help your congregation discern and implement God’s vision for its future. This comprehensive resource guides your church in discovering clues to your vision in your history and culture, your current congregational strengths and weaknesses, and the needs of your surrounding community. “Discovering God’s Future for Your Church” includes engaging videos, leader’s guides, discussion exercises, planning tools, handouts, diagrams, worksheets, and more. Learn more and watch an introductory video now.

Discover more video tool kits plus adult Christian studies.

“Quotable” Leadership
“Not all religiously based movements are progressive, but most American progressive movements have had powerful religious roots.” — Robert D. Putnam

Online courses for laity and clergy
Winter Registration is Open for Wesley Academy for Advanced Christian Studies Courses from BeADisciple
The Wesley Academy for Advanced Christian Studies — created in partnership with Wesley Theological Seminary — offers online courses and educational materials that are theologically rich and deep. Courses are appropriate for anyone and may be used to earn CEU credits and a certification in Advanced Christian Studies.
— Courses beginning January 8, 2023:
• Women Speak of God — 1.5 CEUs | Led by Harriet Wilkin
• In God’s Time: The Bible and the Future — 2.2 CEUs | Led by Michael Beardslee
• Methodist Identity: Our Story — 2 CEUs | Led by Pamela Deck
Learn more about the Wesley Academy for Advanced Christian Studies from BeADisciple now.

Did someone forward this email to you? Click here to subscribe free for your own weekly copy of “Leading Ideas!”

Editors: Dr. Jessica L. Anschutz (janschutz@wesleyseminary.edu) and Dr. Ann A. Michel (amichel@wesleyseminary.edu)

Copyright © 2004-2024 Lewis Center for Church Leadership of Wesley Theological Seminary

Click here to view text-only versions of “Leading Ideas” from 2023.