Top 5 Leading Ideas Articles of the Decade


As a new decade dawns, we look back at the five most-read Leading Ideas articles from 2010-2019.

10 Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah

10 Leadership Lessons from Nehemiah

Examining the biblical account of Nehemiah rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Lovett H. Weems, Jr., sees a compelling example of how a leader should function. Nehemiah defined the reality of the situation, named a vision, and then engaged the people to accomplish it. Read more now.

10 Things Great Preachers Do Differently

What separates good preachers from great preachers? Charley Reeb, a Florida pastor known as a gifted preacher, says talent is less important than approaching the task with the right perspective and preparing effectively. He outlines ten things that you can do to become a great preacher. Read more now.

Photo of Calvary United Methodist Church in Lemoyne, PA

The Case of a Small Church in an Oversized Building

Lewis A. Parks, author of Small on Purpose, describes how smaller congregations can easily squander their last resources for ministry attempting to keep up with the mounting demands of an aging facility. He says such churches must decide for the people of God rather than their present building, before it’s too late. Read more now.

Male covering his mouth with his hand. 9 Things Preachers Should Never Say

9 Things Preachers Should Never Say

Many preachers shoot themselves in the foot when they start off with hackneyed or formulaic phrases that fail to capture the fleeting attention of those in the pew. Charley Reeb, a Florida pastor known as a gifted preacher, outlines nine opening lines that good preachers avoid. Read more now.

A choir in a sanctuary getting ready to sing

Four Functions of a Church Choir

Choir director Brian Hehn has helped Arapaho UMC become a “singing congregation” by emphasizing the choir’s four key functions — to lead and enliven the congregation’s song, to sing music that the congregation cannot, to serve as a small-group within the church for faith formation, and to sing music that glorifies God and edifies the congregation. Read more now.

Apply Now for Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership at Wesley

Apply Now for Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership at Wesley

New cohort begins May 2020 in Washington, DC

Wesley Theological Seminary and the Lewis Center together offer the Doctor of Ministry in Church Leadership Excellence. With this track, clergy will receive the enhanced knowledge, skills, and motivation to increase congregational and denominational service, vitality, and growth.
Learn more and apply today.

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The Lewis Center staff has assembled and edited this material.

Free in-person workshop in Washington, DC
Conflict Intervention Workshop for Pastors

Friday, October 25, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | In person at Wesley Theological Seminary

Attend a free in-person, interactive one-day workshop on constructive conflict intervention designed for pastors. You will be introduced to conflict styles, components of conflict, active listening, conflict analysis, and dialog facilitation. Learn more and register now.