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For over ten years, the Lewis Center in partnership with the General Board of Pension and Health Benefits has reported annually on Clergy Age Trends in the United Methodist Church. The Lewis Center prepares these reports so that church leaders can see the most important trends in clergy numbers and ages in such a way that they understand these trends, can easily share them with others, and act upon the findings.

The report covers elders, deacons, and local pastors. Elders are ordained to a ministry of Word, Sacrament, Order and Service. They itinerate and receive an appointment annually by the bishop. Deacons are ordained to a ministry of Word, Service, Compassion, and Justice to both the community and a congregation. Deacons are not required to itinerate, nor guaranteed an appointment. A local pastor is licensed and appointed to perform the duties of a pastor in a particular setting. They are not required to itinerate, nor guaranteed an appointment.

Growth in Young Clergy All Among Women

The number of young clergy in the United Methodist Church reached its low point in 2005, especially among elders. The number of under-35 elders had declined to 850 or 4.69 percent of active elders. Growth among young elders has been slow but relatively steady over the past ten years. In 2015, there are 986 young elders that comprise 6.56 percent of the pool of active elders, a pool now smaller by over 3,000 elders. Gender has been a major factor in the young clergy gains. In the last ten years, the percentage of women among young elders has increased from 31 percent in 2005 to 41 percent in 2015, the highest ever. In fact, there are actually fewer young male elders now than in 2005 with all the increases coming from young female clergy.

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