Academic and Continuing Education Credit Available
Join the Lewis Center's Dr. Ann A. Michel and Dr. Lovett H. Weems for their online summer courses from Wesley Theological Seminary. Dr. Michel and Dr. Weems are leaders in the field of congregational stewardship and finance and have taught and written extensively on the topics. Each course is 1 academic credit hour or 1.5 CEU credits. 
In light of the COVID-19 crisis, sound stewardship and financial practices are more important than ever. Dr. Michel and Dr. Weems emphasize best practices that can sustain a congregation through thick and thin.  

Stewardship and Church Finance Courses

CM-142 Healthy Stewardship in the Local Church
Dr. Ann A. Michel
June 1-5, 2020

Exploration of the biblical and theological basis for healthy congregational stewardship and a survey of best practices for cultivating generosity. 

Topics include:
  • Cultivating generosity in challenging times
  • Key doctrines related to stewardship and generosity
  • Tithing and Biblical standards of giving
  • Understanding giving patterns
  • Implementing successful stewardship campaigns
  • Developing a year-round stewardship calendar 

CM-137 Church Finances
Dr. Lovett H. Weems, Jr.
July 6-10, 2020 

Exploration of budgets, income, expenses, giving, and administration from both a theological perspective and from the best practices of financial transparency and accountability.

Topics include:
  • COVID-19 lessons and recovery
  • Building and funding basic funds of a church -- operating, capital, and endowment
  • Expanding sources of income
  • Expanding ways people can give
  • Monitoring income more realistically
  • Financial integrity, transparency, and accountability practices
  • Financial health assessment tools
  • Rental income and other topics
Additional Online Summer Courses

Many more courses are available this summer from Wesley, including: Howard Thurman, Mystic, Prophetic, Theologian | Bonheoffer in Post Truth World | Poetry of Faith and Doubt | Biblical Storytelling | Ministry & Self-Care | Solution-based Pastoral Care | Teaching and Learning in Christian Education | and Praxis of Holistic EvangelismMost of these Master's courses may be taken for CEU credit. 

For more information or to register for these additional courses, contact Admissions at (202) 885-8659 or [email protected] or chat with our Admissions staff via UChat on the Wesley website homepage at
Lewis Center for Church Leadership, Wesley Theological Seminary, 4500 Massachusetts Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20016
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